UFC 195: Lawler vs. Condit Prelims PBP (Discussion) 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT/11:30pm UK

a takedown that leads to nothing doesn't outweigh getting rocked
Ansanov corner retarded. Ive got her 2-0 up ffs. She won BOTH rounds.
Kish's head and arm throw is as sloppy as her striking defence.......
Pretty sure anyone who has ever won a muay thai fight is a muay thai champion.
Welp, this fight turned out exactly how I didn't want it to. But I discovered that Ansaroff is kinda cute, so that's good.

Antsaroff rhymes with pantsareoff so I root for her. :D
I woulnd't mind getting her pants off...
I like Ansaroff (the brunettes) striking style lets see some more offense