UFC 195: Lawler vs. Condit Prelims PBP (Discussion) 6:30pm ET/3:30pm PT/11:30pm UK

Ballsy fight. Morono improved his stock big-time in a loss. Good for him.

Edit: wow. You could see on Noke's face he was waiting to get screwed when he saw it was a split. I don't agree with that decision at all but Morono fought his ass off on short-notice at least
Morono has potential, Noke should get the decision still.
Morono did great for less than two weeks notice
I dig this Morono guy's ground game. Knew he was legit when he threatened with that leg lock to get back to full guard. Too bad he punches like he is on an elementary school playground.
I was giving Morono grief but that wasn't a terrible performance on short notice against a killer like Noke.
Damn nice job by Morono. Noke is a hell of a challenge on 11 days notice.
30-27 noke get the fuck out of here you fucking idiot. fire that jackass.
How did Morono win that? lol

Horrible judging, hahahahah