Justin Trudeau: Canada will lift the visa requirement for Mexican visitors

Should we build a monorail instead of a wall?

It's going to happen within my lifetime I'm betting.

I dont think so, Canada and Mexico economies are tiny when compared to that of the USA there is no need for the USA to enter any kind of union negotiations with either Canada or Mexico when both countries basically are economic colonies of the USA.

The US represents what? 85% of Canadian exports and 80% of Mexican exports?

No need for a union when there is a clear dominant force.
I dont think so, Canada and Mexico economies are tiny when compared to that of the USA there is no need for the USA to enter any kind of union negotiations with either Canada or Mexico when both countries basically are economic colonies of the USA.

The US represents what? 85% of Canadian exports and 80% of Mexican exports?

No need for a union when there is a clear dominant force.

It would obviously be dominated from Washington.

The economic union is already in place through NAFTA and other such agreements and it keeps going in the same direction of more and more integration.

EU started out advertised as just an economic zone as well.

Member states in the EU complain it is dominated by Germany, well people would complain a NAU is dominated by the US.
I dont think so, Canada and Mexico economies are tiny when compared to that of the USA there is no need for the USA to enter any kind of union negotiations with either Canada or Mexico when both countries basically are economic colonies of the USA.

The US represents what? 85% of Canadian exports and 80% of Mexican exports?

No need for a union when there is a clear dominant force.
A union would make it easier for the US to exploit Mexicos labour force and Canada's natural resources. The easier movement of goods and labour in North America would be a great benefit as well.

We'd get more buying power for our bucks and American Netflix.
A union would make it easier for the US to exploit Mexicos labour force and Canada's natural resources. The easier movement of goods and labour in North America would be a great benefit as well.

We'd get more buying power for our bucks and American Netflix.

Maybe the UK could join the union too :D
Maybe the UK could join the union too :D
Oh oh. Sounds like regression to me. We'd need Australia as well.

Make the Empire (V2.0) great again!!!
Doesn't seem to be the end of the world.
Mexicans are pretty decent people. Work hard, minds their own business. You can always make a dollar by selling them some coke and big white chicks.

It's not like they are shipping in Syrians or something...

The whole point is to turn Canada into a multicultural and diverse paradise. Just like all the other Western, European and Scandinavian countries. See how everyone is getting along in all those countries?
I never said they had no choice, i simply said that legal immigration is not a choice to them.

When you and your kids are starving and scarf of the government and cartels. You would leave too lol.
When you and your kids are starving and scarf of the government and cartels. You would leave too lol.

Well, Mexico is already one of the fattest if not the fattest continental country in the world, so i dont see the starving issue as pressing.

That being said some areas have really created a migration crisis cartels have destroyed entire towns, either through direct intimidation and violence, or by destroying all economic activity through extortion rackets.

Most of that immigration has been intranational though from the rural areas to the city centers.
Go visit the borders, you have children sleeping on concrete in Juarez asking for food or change. Will pull on your heart if you have kids. Ignore all you want , I've been there.
Good for Canada.

You really cannot ask for better immigrants than those who come from Mexico. High workforce participation and low crime rates compared to demographics of similar economic standing.

And their food is the best.
Wasn't this talked about as an Act of War when Fidel Castro did a similar thing to the U.S., basically facilitating illegal immigrants into the U.S. via proxy (his country)?

Liberals, as usual, are poor students of history.
It's the 2nd generation you have to worry about.The hard working shit goes away, and the EAst L.A. gangster mentality kicks in.


Your prisons are pretty tame. Just wait til you have a sureno/norteno problem

It's the 2nd generation you have to worry about.The hard working shit goes away, and the EAst L.A. gangster mentality kicks in.


Your prisons are pretty tame. Just wait til you have a sureno/norteno problem


Canada doesn't really have anything close to the gang culture the US has, so I don't think this would be an issue. And if it is, our East Asian gangs and HA could use some friendly competition. Maybe that will help weed out some morons and drive down drug prices. Capitalism at work.
Doesn't seem to be the end of the world.
Mexicans are pretty decent people. Work hard, minds their own business. You can always make a dollar by selling them some coke and big white chicks.

It's not like they are shipping in Syrians or something...

The problem is that it will not stop with. Trudeau is putting Canadians last in order to push some bizarre multicultural agenda where he opens the borders and floods Canada with low quality third-world immigrants. That is why people get upset over the small things Trudeau does because they are starting to add up to large disasters in the future. Trudeau's decision making is death by a thousand paper cuts.
The problem is that it will not stop here. Trudeau is putting Canadians last in order to push some bizarre multicultural agenda where he opens the borders and floods Canada with third-world immigration. That is why people get upset over the small things Trudeau does because they are starting to add up to large disasters in the future.
I'm no whacko globalist, but immigration is natural and will happen. It's just keeping the numbers in check. These are low numbers, and it's coming from mostly decent people who's culture is close to yours. I just don't see it so badly as the boats of Syrians they are bringing.

I can still see a concern for how you all are moving forward on it as a whole, just not this case. You will never stop immigration fully, and you crying every time about it will get you nowhere. Not saying you're crying either