UFN 120 PBP/Discussion

On Nina small. First bet of night
What a shitshow lmao, on the over and small on ansaroff ml here
those are the worst scorecards since zapata vs stephens on TUF like 8 years ago

there is no way in hell that's a draw. strickland DOMINATED rd 1 and rd 3.. 10-10 my ass from two diff judges..

So Strickland wins? Bookies will fix this right?
Lol, went to get a beer, came back and saw Strickland got the DEC, what happened, a judge make a mistake tallying up their card?
5dimes graded that as a loss. That's gonna be also overturned I guess?
those are the worst scorecards since zapata vs stephens on TUF like 8 years ago

there is no way in hell that's a draw. strickland DOMINATED rd 1 and rd 3.. 10-10 my ass from two diff judges..
I don't know if the screwed the cards up but Mike Pierce vs some Brazilian had some pretty terrible scores. He still won iirc but one card in particular was truly horrific.
Lol, went to get a beer, came back and saw Strickland got the DEC, what happened, a judge make a mistake tallying up their card?

And apparently im only one who wondering how 5d will grade the Strickland dec bets now lol
Discounting GSP? Bisping was the dog.

There was literally 1 guy in here screaming GSP had no chance. But u decide to insult everyone who bet a dog in a fight most thought he was winning before it ended. Good for you

Takes some major low self esteem to still be yapping about a hit bet in this forum.

no point in continuing this... but in no way am I trying to brag about hitting a bet on GSP, nor was it even in discussion until you concocted a physcological profile to defend your ego about losing your Bisping bet. And no, bisping closed as Favorite. GSP opened as a big favorite and was bet all the way to +108..
Anik just announced that there was an error in reading the scorecards and Strickland won the decision.
have a feeling this could turn out like the NY card with bunch of crazy shit happening