UFN 121 pbp/discussion

Fucking 5d logged me out and then took forever to log me back in. Didn't even see live odds after rd 2.
value clearly on belal, is it me or means's got better head movement but is also way less aggressive than what we've previously seen?
Belal got this. Great performance in a close fight
Flip a coin. Rd 3 decides it and it's just insanely close. No clue.
super close fight.. no clue how to score it
10-9 belal
10-9 means close
10-9 belal close

congrats means backers, cause i'm on belal.
for +185 on a coin flip ill take it...

hopefully belal edges it out in the judges' minds though.
Very close, on Means but could really go either way without any complaints from me.
Means really is a dirty bird. Always laying eggs in the cage
Surprised everyone else thinks 3 was close. Thought Belal clearly won it tbh

Please agree judges
Flip a coin. Rd 3 decides it and it's just insanely close. No clue.
oh really? I thought rd 2 was close and 3 was clear Belal. but that may be wishful thinking. We shall see!