You guys have to read this story about Anderson and Vitor if you haven't already.


Feb 3, 2018
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Read this a couple of years ago when I randomly stumbled across it, and it really changed my perspective on both guys. Despite the roid issues over the years, it makes it hard for me to not feel bad for Vitor and how his career ended.

It also gives a ton of detail about why Anderson at his peak wasn't even near the star in Brazil that Vitor still is. I don't's just really interesting to me. I'm sure many of you on here saw it back when it first got translated but if not, it's worth checking out.

I remember reading this years ago. It was a similar story to Anderson vs Maia. The thing it gets wrong is not focusing on Anderson's massive win over Hyato Sakurai in 01 who was the #1 WW and #1 P4P at the time. The story sells him short a little bit too much.

Belfort had everything. Money, famous, prestige, was in the big events, had the woman everybody was talking about and Anderson’ life was pure shit.

I remember reading this years ago. It was a similar story to Anderson vs Maia. The thing it gets wrong is not focusing on Anderson's massive win over Hyato Sakurai in 01 who was the #1 WW and #1 P4P at the time. The story sells him short a little bit too much.


Honestly I don't think it does. He had the big wins but nobody really knew of him outside of Cage Rage fans, and people who didn't fall asleep during Pride due to long cards at weird times.
It´s a shame we didn´t get to see ViTRTor agains Anderson.
I know a funny story about Victor from Carlson Gracie on when he walked in on him and a girl ...

The rest would get me ban... because I couldn't believe what he told me and my professor LMAO.
I know a funny story about Victor from Carlson Gracie on when he walked in on him and a girl ...

The rest would get me ban... because I couldn't believe what he told me and my professor LMAO.

Something involving the girl's feet I'm sure.
What do you mean "you people"?
Today I learned
Vitor is black.
"He had to work at McDonalds, serving a lot of rich kids, or playboys with their fancy clothes and arrogant behaviour, always looking down on him because he is black. Prejudice in the south states of Brazil is STRONG. He wasn’t just black, he was poor"



I actually enjoyed the read.

I obsessed over Brazilian MMA. Still do to some extent because I love the whole Vale Tudo lifestyle.
I briefly trained with Tsunami gym well over 10 years ago and Robbie Olivier managed to get Shogun and Ninja over for a small private seminar. I bought my first Chute Boxe Tee (1 size too small) and couldn't believe I was meeting both of them, who for me in 2006 and before, they were both demi-gods.

I loved watching Vitor too. Now that I'm old, I might just take roids and box for my MMA ;) but really, these guys seemed tough on another level. Reall like they were fighting for their futures and set the standard.

I saw Anderson fight Lee Murray in London and was shocked at how easily he handed Murray. I thought Murray was amazing (he was good) but Silva was on a high level. Though, I never really watched Silva until UFC, he caught my eye with that knee on Carlos Newton and the way he corrupted Chris Leben's forcefield/chin.

Yeah. Chute Boxe was something else and these stories are still exciting. Though, I mostly live in the past when it comes to MMA.
I know a funny story about Victor from Carlson Gracie on when he walked in on him and a girl ...

The rest would get me ban... because I couldn't believe what he told me and my professor LMAO.

Go on..
I can't, I'll probably get ban. Are we allowed to discuss things on private DM without getting ban?
That's actually an interesting read. It's mostly the author's point of view but it is interesting anyway
I know a funny story about Victor from Carlson Gracie on when he walked in on him and a girl ...

The rest would get me ban... because I couldn't believe what he told me and my professor LMAO.
I think I’ve heard about this before. Basically Vitor is a legit weirdo.