Official War Room Awards 2019

Oh so no cards then.

So again, mods unfairly moderating in liberals' favour.

If I go through your posts, how many of fogie's paltry 7k likes are from you, I wonder?
i'm not a liberal silly boy

and the answer is zero, or close to

edit - matter of fact, why would i get carded when i did nothing wrong?
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Kingstu was like a favorite poster of mine in like 2005, but come on, he was a standard although very intelligent proponent off run of the mill Milton Friedman / Chicago school economics. Basically old school Reaganomics and monetarism. Was no minarchist full on derpertarian but still. I would be curious to see what his world view is like now.

If it’s longevity, not sure Pan would qualify, it would probably be Zank if he did more than the occasional hit and run identity post these days.

So many good posters over the years germambjj, Darwinist, zank when he posted, gregster, Amy fighter Greg, etc.
Oh yeah I forget Pan hasn't been around all that long. I guess that leaves you and Zank as the only WR OGs who post somewhat-regularly. And that basically means you at this point. So congrats!
Mod most likely to own an Apple: @Lead

I’m sorry and/or thank you

I actually have a pc and it’s hooked up to my tv cause the screen is broken. I’ve got an iPhone that has a cracked screen. I don’t like how big the protectors are.
some triggered bitches itt, librul conspirucy rears its ugly head....

Best TS- @Arkain2K hands down.

  • Best Thread: Has to be the Brexit thread series by @Arkain2K.
Pretty sure Fogie was born before electricity

Of course CF has been around for ever, the only 911 truther in the WR that has has not drunk the trumper koolaid. Good man.

That little incel bringing up my dad doesn't bother me, I just like pointing out how the holier tham thou liberal posters always seem to go there....
lol Nobody brought up your dad on a personal level.
By calling out your lack of training from a father I am calling YOU less of a man. And my calling you 'son' was implying my superiority over you.
Youre so dense that you cant even comprehend a simple insult.

There isnt a liberal mod bias. You rightwingers get carded more because youre more often nasty.
You were ready to take shots at a child you thought i had, youre clearly a bitter and unhappy person, and you turds are more likely to say racist and offensive crap.
  • This appears to be more of a liberal circle jerk than anything else, but then I'd be surprised and disappointed at anything else.

  • Best All Around Poster:
  • @AlexDB9

  • Worst All Around Poster:

  • Best TS:

By a landslide imo.

HM: @unimackpass
  • Worst TS:
  • @Trotsky
  • I find his little comrades to be equally full of shit and falsely arrogant, and that's saying something.
  • Best Thread:
  • War Room meme thread, pick whatever one.
  • Best Ban aka the Rest in Piss You Degenerate Goblin Award
And I mean that in a good way. He was wayyyyyyy too invested emotionally in this horseshit and I think this place wasn't healthy for him. I hope he's gotten outside more and is focusing on something outside of identity politics.


@warlordpalis and @jamesrustler.

The things I see liberal posters get away with are sometimes a lot worse, but of course never even a yellow. But my complaint isn't partisan, it's consistency.
  • Best Feud:
  • Don't know or care.
  • Best Insult:
    @TheOldMan on @zebby23 Take your pick. Zebby is like an unwanted pet that keeps coming back no matter how many times you drive across the country to release him.
  • Most Likely to End Up On The News:
  • @Cunningham
  • I just feel that he's the guy that will find a cure for TDS and get rich from it. Here's to hoping.
  • Stop! Stop! He's Already Dead! Award for Best Destruction/Humiliation:
  • @Rational Poster poster getting pwned daily. Take your pic...the self proclaimed "War Room Messiah" is more like "The War Room Punching Bag."
  • And he just keeps coming back. He's like a microcosm of the DNC: Just drive right over the cliff!

  • Wildly Outlandish Conspiracy of the Year Award:
The impeachment fraud and anyone that believes even a fraction of that bullshit.

A few of my own(had to hold back a bit here in lieu of unwarranted dubs):

Most in need to get off of "it" whatever "it" may be:


I've thought about this one over and over, and while there are several I could name
all roads lead back to our local preacher. I like franklin too, I think he's a good dude who
got hurt somewhere along the way.


This should have been in the OP. There are so many that crack me up regularly it's hard to decide:

@uppercutbus , @Whippy McGee are the first two that come to mind, sorry to all of the ones I missed, and there are several.


What I mean is people with different ideologies whom I find that despite our disagreeances are still easy to communicate and share ideas with, and there are several: @Lowmanproblems , @SmilinDesperado , @franklinstower , @BEER , @NoDak (RIP).

The CRUSADE Award:

To all my brothers at War, you know who you are.

I knew as soon as I hit reply that I'd forgotten someone who should be mentioned:
@SIRGAY HARITONOB! in the funniest category. Dude never ceases to make me laugh.
nominates self for best insult, simultaneously revealing high levels of gotten to


Haha that didn't take long. Actually it was because I couldn't think of anything better. I see pretty good zingers on here daily.
  • This appears to be more of a liberal circle jerk than anything else, but then I'd be surprised and disappointed at anything else.

  • Best All Around Poster:
  • @AlexDB9

  • Worst All Around Poster:

  • Best TS:

By a landslide imo.

HM: @unimackpass
  • Worst TS:
  • @Trotsky
  • I find his little comrades to be equally full of shit and falsely arrogant, and that's saying something.
  • Best Thread:
  • War Room meme thread, pick whatever one.
  • Best Ban aka the Rest in Piss You Degenerate Goblin Award
And I mean that in a good way. He was wayyyyyyy too invested emotionally in this horseshit and I think this place wasn't healthy for him. I hope he's gotten outside more and is focusing on something outside of identity politics.


@warlordpalis and @jamesrustler.

The things I see liberal posters get away with are sometimes a lot worse, but of course never even a yellow. But my complaint isn't partisan, it's consistency.
  • Best Feud:
  • Don't know or care.
  • Best Insult:
    @TheOldMan on @zebby23 Take your pick. Zebby is like an unwanted pet that keeps coming back no matter how many times you drive across the country to release him.
  • Most Likely to End Up On The News:
  • @Cunningham
  • I just feel that he's the guy that will find a cure for TDS and get rich from it. Here's to hoping.
  • Stop! Stop! He's Already Dead! Award for Best Destruction/Humiliation:
  • @Rational Poster poster getting pwned daily. Take your pic...the self proclaimed "War Room Messiah" is more like "The War Room Punching Bag."
  • And he just keeps coming back. He's like a microcosm of the DNC: Just drive right over the cliff!

  • Wildly Outlandish Conspiracy of the Year Award:
The impeachment fraud and anyone that believes even a fraction of that bullshit.

A few of my own(had to hold back a bit here in lieu of unwarranted dubs):

Most in need to get off of "it" whatever "it" may be:


I've thought about this one over and over, and while there are several I could name
all roads lead back to our local preacher. I like franklin too, I think he's a good dude who
got hurt somewhere along the way.


This should have been in the OP. There are so many that crack me up regularly it's hard to decide:

@uppercutbus , @Whippy McGee are the first two that come to mind, sorry to all of the ones I missed, and there are several.


What I mean is people with different ideologies whom I find that despite our disagreeances are still easy to communicate and share ideas with, and there are several: @Lowmanproblems , @SmilinDesperado , @franklinstower , @BEER , @NoDak (RIP).

The CRUSADE Award:

To all my brothers at War, you know who you are.

Merry Christmas