Shoop Non Gif Shoop Contest v5 - VOTING THREAD "B"

10 votes total between the two threads. Not 10 votes per thread. You can change your votes.

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Calling In @One MMA Fan in this thread. This man may be the biggest fan of our collective Shoop work.
So will the votes...

I'm waiting up until midnight for Shoop-a-Claus to post all of your lovely creations.

I'm eating all the cookies and drinking the rum right now.

Santa don't get that shit!
Hittin' the hay. Looking forward to seeing all the entries over morning coffee tomorrow.

Good night and good luck!
To my mortal enemy @Arqueto. I had a short training camp and my foot was a balloon. Just so you know coming into this fight.
To my mortal enemy @Arqueto. I had a short training camp and my foot was a balloon. Just so you know coming into this fight.

I've got a staph infection and I'm on antibiotics plus you're tree times me size. I got knocked out in sparring too.
I've got a staph infection and I'm on antibiotics plus you're tree times me size. I got knocked out in sparring too.

But I don't even know what EPO is, so I took some.

Now I'm dead and can't submit my shoop.

But I don't even know what EPO is, so I took some.

Now I'm dead and can't submit my shoop.

Damn that HAD to have hurt, quite a bit. That dude was booking along pretty fast.....

- The Young Convinced as Ever of Their Own Immortality.