I miss the less technical days


Good Times
Jun 13, 2015
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It seems as MMA evolves and fighters get more well rounded and intelligent .. the fight quality suffers. So many boring decision fests or point games where not much happens

fighters are too good and can't do as much to each other as they used to

I miss the days when fighters were less skilled and the fights were more EXCITING because of it

fighters who don't know wtf they're doing always entertain more than those who know too much

Do you think Chuck Liddell could survive in today's environment for example if he emerged today? Back then he could get away with a reduced skillset and got away well and was hella entertaining!
Sport is absolutely at another level right now,more professional but more boring for sure
Yeah I too miss the days of Severn vs Shamrock, and Shamrock vs Gracie 2. Now we have to live with dogshit fights like Felder vs Hooker and Usman vs Covington.
Watch WMMA then. They're at the level that you're longing for at this point.
They just have to let them juice. Roid rage is real!
kicks knees and stomps to a downed opponent would fix that imo...
Sport is absolutely at another level right now,more professional but more boring for sure

yah man - most fights are borderline stalemates cause they are each the same level or they are just fighting to get the most points in a judges decision

I miss when people were reckless and entertaining and swing for the fences lol

I prefer the high skill level in general BUT I do agree with you on one big issue and thats the point fighting, last few years point fighting has really come into abundance in UFC and its a disease that needs to be rid from the sport, its awful. I must have sat through about 15 Sergio Pettis point fighting decisions where every fight was on repeat and loop, the opponents might have been different but it was the same exact fight, over and over.

Even Jones who is super skilled and talented has fell into the point fighting mode recently. Its just as bad and wall and stall.

(Also the rules have made it less exciting, they have taken away so many things, this is supposed to be Ultimate Fighting, its no longer Ultimate Fighting, bring back soccer kicks, knees too the head on the ground, all elbows, headbutts, and then we can talk)
The problem is the judging

Point fighting is rewarded more than attempting to finish
I miss MMA BC... Before Conor
I got into this sport in the mid-nineties. I was a boxer and had a background in various martial arts (had been training since 1986 when I was 11). I absolutely loved it from the start, but nowadays I don't miss the past at all. This sport has just gotten better and better IMO. I much prefer the evolved version we have now to anything that came before. That said, there was a certain energy about the early events that we of course don't see anymore. I can see why people would miss that. As for sloppier, less technical fights, just go to the smaller events. Ticket prices for those are cheap too.
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I prefer the high skill level in general BUT I do agree with you on one big issue and thats the point fighting, last few years point fighting has really come into abundance in UFC and its a disease that needs to be rid from the sport, its awful. I must have sat through about 15 Sergio Pettis point fighting decisions where every fight was on repeat and loop, the opponents might have been different but it was the same exact fight, over and over.

Even Jones who is super skilled and talented has fell into the point fighting mode recently. Its just as bad and wall and stall.

(Also the rules have made it less exciting, they have taken away so many things, this is supposed to be Ultimate Fighting, its no longer Ultimate Fighting, bring back soccer kicks, knees too the head on the ground, all elbows, headbutts, and then we can talk)

Sergio sums it up really, in his first fight in Bellator against a less high level opponent he knocked him out and then choked him out too.
I prefer the high skill level in general BUT I do agree with you on one big issue and thats the point fighting, last few years point fighting has really come into abundance in UFC and its a disease that needs to be rid from the sport, its awful. I must have sat through about 15 Sergio Pettis point fighting decisions where every fight was on repeat and loop, the opponents might have been different but it was the same exact fight, over and over.

Even Jones who is super skilled and talented has fell into the point fighting mode recently. Its just as bad and wall and stall.

(Also the rules have made it less exciting, they have taken away so many things, this is supposed to be Ultimate Fighting, its no longer Ultimate Fighting, bring back soccer kicks, knees too the head on the ground, all elbows, headbutts, and then we can talk)

Finish rate is up in 2018 and then a bit more in 2019, lets be clear, in Men's MMA, also, Pettis just finished his last opponent by DESTRUCTION
Watch amateur MMA then. Watch WMMA.

10 years ago, when a fighter got taken down, he would pull guard and wait for the referee to help him. Sometimes it was 4 minutes of lay & pray where the referee wouldn't stand them up because he was "being active" from the top. If you think we have lay & pray today, you don't know lay & pray then.

These days, they quickly go to the cage to try to use it to get back up. The game is smoother these days. I enjoy it more. I don't miss those old fights at all, but they are still around if I wanted to see them. Just watch regional events, problem solved.
The less technical stuff is only gret if they're brawling or headhunting. If it's on the ground, grab a blanket and go to sleep. Boring.
Imo the less technical stuff is just emberrasing to watch and gets old fast.
Probably the biggest reason I don't care for wmma.
That said, there was a certain energy about the early events that we of course don't see anymore

I feel that energy watching Rizin.
Not sure why, maybe a mix of: rules, staging, fighters, expectation...
Sergio sums it up really, in his first fight in Bellator against a less high level opponent he knocked him out and then choked him out too.
Yeah I saw that, I was like WTF, seems like they are so scared of losing in UFC that they won't take any chance. Every fight he had in UFC was on loop, stare stare stare stare stare, then throw a few leg kicks and punch and then move out of range and rack up the points, rinse and repeat for every fight. You knew it was going to decision on the walk out lol