News The 2020 Likepocalypse

So many people made an identity on their like count

We attributed quality of poster to it even

Most people just posted memes, attention seeking posts and said things that most people could agree with

It's said nothing about the quality or intelligence of the poster.

This should be done more often just to take that element away.

We would probably get better posting overall as a result, as less people would care about dedicating their posting existence to like whoring
Lol, this post epitomizes you.
Suicide pact? All are welcome. Maybe we can blow something up while we’re at it.
I feel so empty inside. There’s nothing left. Where’s my alcohol??
They Should have deleted the whole like system.

Quality posting has gone rapidly downhill since the introduction of likes.

To many basement dwellers on this board Who dont give a fuck about mma but are fishing for those likes because this gives them the feeling that somehow they matter in society
Lamentations aside, IT shit the bed. How bush league is it not to be able to afford a like count. Couldn't handle custom belts either{<jordan}

I feel like we are the Bellator of MMA forums, but I'll stay and sink with the ship.
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They Should have deleted the whole like system.

Quality posting has gone rapidly downhill since the introduction of likes.

To many basement dwellers on this board Who dont give a fuck about mma but are fishing for those likes because this gives them the feeling that somehow they matter in society


But totally agree with your post otherwise.

And liked it. Haha
Gotta bash Conor and get echo-chamber likes for 4 more years then