Social What is your stance on abortion?

What is your stance on abortion??

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I don't care, everyone can do whatever they want in my book but it's always murder of a child and if you don't think it's murder of a child you are stupid.
Just because the right (or whatever passes for it) is hypocritical, doesn't mean abortion isn't murder and shouldn't be severely punished.

Your argument is basically: well, since you don't have a pro-family policy, let's make murder legal, because otherwise we are inconsistent. This is a morally poor argument.

That said, people on the right should be focusing their energy on attempting to rebuild the kind of society that has rich social connections that make such acts impossible, and which have substantial peer-group, neighborhood, and government support for family formation, rootedness, and religious and civic organizations, all of which have been in dramatic decline. Just because you lack the power to change bad policy does not mean you should shrug your shoulders at evil.
It's no more murder than pulling the plug on a comatose patient. It's a medical decision.
It's no more murder than pulling the plug on a comatose patient. It's a medical decision.

Keep telling that to yourself to justify the killing of a child. That's pure weakness.
You take a life. That's literally what an abortion is lol.

I don't get it. Cognitive Dissonance?
Can be a medical decision, can be the emotional decision from a family member. In both cases it's someone taking a life.
The comparison is faulty btw because pulling a plug on a comatose patient is considered "less of a murder" only if or because the comatose patient is highly likely to never recover or has permanent damage that would lower his quality of life or life expectancy itself. That's clearly not the case if you're aborting a baby. Dunno what kind of weird logical leaps you have to take to think this comparison isn't downright impious.
No one claimed that men should be off the hook via responsibility. But you need to accept the reality of the situation. You don't get to play god...create life only to kill life all willy nilly based on convenience. Regardless if you want to come to terms with this or not, sex was made pleasurable not as a means of recreation but to encourage procreation which leads to the overall SURVIVAL of a species. Nature doesn't care about your tinder date.

Creating life is just as powerful as destroying life. And while it sucks that this burden of responsibility falls on women's shoulder's...that's just the reality of it.

It is an immoral action to purposefully create life just to kill it.
No one's playing god. People are doing exactly what people have always done. Abort unwanted pregnancies. There are explanations on how to do this going back to ancient Babylon.

If we're going to deal with the "reality of the situation" that would include the reality that abortions and abortifacients have been normal civilized behavior for most of recorded history. And the species has survived just fine letting people make their own choices.

Now, let's just momentarily agree that it's "immoral". So what? We don't need to ban every immoral choice that people make. If we were to take the idea of banning immoral sexual activity to the natural conclusion, we really should ban extramarital sex in its entirety.

Over and over again, these arguments seem to only exist during the pregnancy. They don't exist before pregnancy and they don't exist after birth. Value of life? Only during the pregnancy because after the birth. Immorality of avoiding the consequences of sexual behavior? Only after the woman becomes pregnant because people don't want to make the sexual act itself illegal. Which would prevent the entire problem from the onset.

The handwringing about life and morality all ring hollow. No one really wants to preserve the life or legislate morality at any point where the consequences would impact anyone beyond the singular pregnant woman.
Keep telling that to yourself to justify the killing of a child. That's pure weakness.
You take a life. That's literally what an abortion is lol.

I don't get it. Cognitive Dissonance?
Clarify your point. Are you agreeing that pulling the plug on a comatose patient is also murder?
Can be a medical decision, can be the emotional decision from a family member. In both cases it's someone taking a life.
The comparison is faulty btw because pulling a plug on a comatose patient is considered "less of a murder" only if or because the comatose patient is highly likely to never recover or has permanent damage that would lower his quality of life or life expectancy itself. That's clearly not the case if you're aborting a baby. Dunno what kind of weird logical leaps you have to take to think this comparison isn't downright impious.
What difference does it make if the comatose patient is likely to recover? At the time that the plug is pulled, they are alive. They are alive, someone chooses to end medical support, they die. A life has ended therefore "murder".

Are we really going to start introducing variables like quality of life and life expectancy when discussing ending a life? Because those things like medical decisions where other people are weighing variables and then deciding what to do.
No one's playing god. People are doing exactly what people have always done. Abort unwanted pregnancies. There are explanations on how to do this going back to ancient Babylon.

If we're going to deal with the "reality of the situation" that would include the reality that abortions and abortifacients have been normal civilized behavior for most of recorded history. And the species has survived just fine letting people make their own choices.

Now, let's just momentarily agree that it's "immoral". So what? We don't need to ban every immoral choice that people make. If we were to take the idea of banning immoral sexual activity to the natural conclusion, we really should ban extramarital sex in its entirety.

Over and over again, these arguments seem to only exist during the pregnancy. They don't exist before pregnancy and they don't exist after birth. Value of life? Only during the pregnancy because after the birth. Immorality of avoiding the consequences of sexual behavior? Only after the woman becomes pregnant because people don't want to make the sexual act itself illegal. Which would prevent the entire problem from the onset.

The handwringing about life and morality all ring hollow. No one really wants to preserve the life or legislate morality at any point where the consequences would impact anyone beyond the singular pregnant woman.

The right to life is inherited upon creation. As such the mother needs to see the baby to birth and then adoption and other processes can remove the burden from her.

And historic behaviour is not a barometer of progress. Or so I've been lectured. Otherwise we would still have slavery. At some point the wrongful act of murdering a life you willfully created needs to be acknowledged and punished for what it is.

Imagine defending the killing of someone else because that someone is an inconvenience.

What a disgusting take on this you have.
Now, let's just momentarily agree that it's "immoral". So what? We don't need to ban every immoral choice that people make. If we were to take the idea of banning immoral sexual activity to the natural conclusion, we really should ban extramarital sex in its entirety.


Now we're talking!
I’d be devastated if a woman told me she was going to abort my child. The world can be a bad place and life can be hard, but I think you should try your best to go through with the pregnancy. If you were raped or something like that then yeah I completely understand why you’d get an abortion. Drug addiction is also another issue as is money etc.

I know some people just aren’t ready to have kids and I am of the mindset that you should get your own life in order and create a platform for your future children before you decide to bring them into the world, but accidents happen. You can still be successful whilst raising a child, even if your life has to slow down for a little while and your path to your ideal destination has to expand.

I’m not going to call people out who have had abortions unless they’ve had like 10 just because they were lazy — I think people like that should be sterilised. Generally I don’t like abortion though, but I’m not God and it’s not my body or my life.
Thank you, one of the nicer things I've been called for respecting other peoples personal choices that don't have any impact on my life whatsoever.

Killing a child is a personal choice?

Using contraceptives, picking your outfit or choosing your wife is a personal choice. Ending a life because you are too dumb to prevent pregnancy is not a personal choice
It's no more murder than pulling the plug on a comatose patient. It's a medical decision.
Thats just what people tell themselves to excuse the uncomfortable reality of their immorality.
Killing a child is a personal choice?

Using contraceptives, picking your outfit or choosing your wife is a personal choice. Ending a life because you are too dumb to prevent pregnancy is not a personal choice

Yes because contraceptives are 100% effective and easily available/affordable to everyone right?
Keep telling that to yourself to justify the killing of a child. That's pure weakness.
You take a life. That's literally what an abortion is lol.

I don't get it. Cognitive Dissonance?
What if I know it’s murder and I just don’t care. I’d have two kids rn if it wasn’t for abortions. Wanna know how often I think about them. Never.
If you want an abortion for any other reason than rape, life impeding birth defects or health of mother, you've opened the floodgates to zero accountability and complete moral depravity.
I don't care, everyone can do whatever they want in my book but it's always murder of a child and if you don't think it's murder of a child you are stupid.

You know that post makes zero sense. The word murder specifically refers to the premeditated, ILLEGAL killing of another human.
So if it's not illegal, it can't be murder. Your statement "everyone can do whatever they want" means that you don't even think it should be illegal.

So not only is abortion not murder (at least in most civilized societies), you by your own admission don't think abortion should be murder.

You are literally arguing against yourself.

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