Social CDC officially declares racism as a major public health threat

is the CDC going to declare burning, looting, and murdering a public health threat?
If I were CDC director i'd make the same pronouncement but for feminism. It'd be more accurate too.
That's a woke misrepresentation of reality. Definitely makes you question whether it's a organisation whose words and data can be trusted.

Being of lower socio-economic status is what sets you for worse healh outcomes. You can argue that the historical cause of the lower socio-economic status was discrimination in the past. However low socio-economic status is the present, proximate reason for the health outcomes. In other words, it's not racism in the present day that's causing it. A measure that would target racism would be ineffective. The only measures that would work are economic measures that improve social mobility, so that reaching the middle class is more accessible - for everyone that happens to be poor, by the way, not a specific skin colour. Anything else other than that is divisive racial hustling that wastes energy and accomplishes nothing. The woke narratives are very good at making sure the electorate stays divided and never organises around economic demands.
Seems odd coming from the CDC but I guess I agree the left's insane ramp up of hatred needs addressing.

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