Got a bad gut feeling about tomorrow's main event


The Last Chronomancer
Feb 8, 2016
Reaction score
Like something really sketchy is coming. Like a questionable cut stoppage, or a majority draw, or like another weird shin break. It just feels like something odd/disappointing is coming.

Anyway, I hope I'm wrong and it's just some indigestion in my gut haha.

In the meantime I'll say some prayers to the Just Bleed God for a gloriously violent outcome.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings, Sherbros.
Yeah, me too

I think Aliens will invade the building during the main event and let loose a captured Samsquantch into the crowd

Just a hunch


Take some fucking Pepto-Bismal. Or Ex-Lax. Have a nice crap and you’ll be fine.
if you can't handle a head bouncing off the canvas like a ping pong don't tune in for the main event
Always a risk when the golden goose is due to lay an egg.
For once, TS, your inane ramblings have chanched upon the shadow of truth
You’re extremely negative. Like a wife fling on vacation and worried about getting stranded in a highway or running out of gas or the plane will crash or the hotel will be bombed. Or murdered in the streets.