Social Queen B's Partisan COVID/Vaccine Megathread

Or.... You know.... I'm not.... 2 seconds of google will tell you that. Outside of winter most make plenty from the sun with brief exposure. I take Vitamin D myself but I live in Canada and during the winter it is difficult to get enough UVB. It's summer time now. Take my dog for 20 min in the morning. 20 min at noon, and 20 in the evening. My Vitamin D cup runeth over.


You are throwing your own shit in your face.

Places with minimal sun have D problems. Duh.

Bruh, I live in SEATTLE..... Sun days are few and far between.

Whereas, YOU are making unpractical broad generalizations.

In closing, I hate to break it to you, but if you are exposing your skin to 60 mins of sun EVERYDAY.............good luck with your poor skin.

Vitamin D from the sun only works if you spend VERY LITTLE time in the sun with VERY LITTLE clothing...lest you get horrible skin damage.

Most people only have minor skin exposure to the sun on a regular basis, in doing so, they have to spend faaaaar too much time in the sun in order to get enough D, in the meantime, their skin is getting DESTROYED.

Scared of covid and the sun, huh? Better stay inside and ride this life out.
I think the surges correlate more with increased socialisation when restrictions are lifted; seems to be the case in the UK at least. It seems to spread just as well in very hot climates as it does in colder ones so i dont think that the seasonality claim makes sense.
The seasonality relationship with Covid-19 hospitalizations/deaths is best seen in places with definite seasons, and yes that includes the UK. You claim that the UK is a counterexample, but it isn't, and you have failed to show any data to support your assertion of a relationship with public health restrictions, while I am supporting my assertion with data in my previous post and again below.

Scared of covid and the sun, huh? Better stay inside and ride this life out.

I'm speaking FACTS.

For example, black people far too often to NOT take sun exposure seriously. They think they are safe because of their dark skin, but in reality, they are being DEVASTATED with cancer, relatively speaking.
We told you months and months ago the Delta narrative would come. And each subsequent variant behind infinitum.

It's only strengthened my view that the majority of people don't inherently understand why they get out of bed each day, have never philosophically rectified existential imperatives within their own framework of existence and are paralyzed by fear and the unknown.

The chuckle comes when you realize that the people who claim this is all random and doesn't mean anything are also the ones most emphatically frothing about morality, their right to it and their fear of not experiencing it.
I'm speaking FACTS.

For example, black people far too often to NOT take sun exposure seriously. They think they are safe because of their dark skin, but in reality, they are being DEVASTATED with cancer, relatively speaking.

Please show some respect and capitalize the B, ok?

You are throwing your own shit in your face.

Places with minimal sun have D problems. Duh.

Bruh, I live in SEATTLE..... Sun days are few and far between.

Whereas, YOU are making unpractical broad generalizations.

In closing, I hate to break it to you, but if you are exposing your skin to 60 mins of sun EVERYDAY.............good luck with your poor skin.

I'm not self owning at all. You likely have more exposure to UV than you think you have even in Seattle.

According to the SCF, up to 80 percent of the sun’s UV rays can pass through clouds. This is the reason people often end up with serious sunburns on overcast days if they’ve spent time outside with no sun protection. Even in the winter months, you need to beware: Snow can reflect up to 80 percent of UV rays, increasing exposure. This is especially true if your family’s on a ski vacation– the higher your altitude, the greater your UV exposure.

Also, this is Seattle.



You're UV exposure depends greatly on the time of day. 20 min at noon in shorts and a t-shirt is not going to give me poor skin.

Keep wearing masks, it's not a big deal, but too many people are just obstinate and god dam selfish.
No mask for me and a lunch break story for you people.

I went to Publix and got a delicious boars head Italian sub (they are on sale for $6.99 this week). Publix is back to requiring their employees to wear masks. I pay for my stuff and as I am walking out, I see a manager and bagger talking. They both had their masks below their chins and they were about a foot apart talking face to face. So they were basically breathing into each other’s face and onto the hands that were holding their masks down. Then the bagger will go bag peoples groceries and the manger will level shelves. The sub was delicious and I paired with a delightful cherry Pepsi cause Coke hates white folks.
I love the argument some make that they are healthy. How do you know? Do you go to the Doctor on a continuous basis and get blood work done yearly? Most of the people claiming to be healthy don't. You can come to the conclusion because of how anti-medicine, evil big pharma, anti-science their position are. So how do you know? Because you feel like you are healthy? Interesting.

How do you know your creatinine levels aren't evelated? You can't feel it. Or LDL being over 190?
I'm speaking FACTS.

For example, black people far too often to NOT take sun exposure seriously. They think they are safe because of their dark skin, but in reality, they are being DEVASTATED with cancer, relatively speaking.

Can't you get ANYTHING right?

Skin Cancer in Skin of Color
"Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the United States and represents ~ 35–45% of all neoplasms in Caucasians (Ridky, 2007), 4–5% in Hispanics, 2–4% in Asians, and 1–2% in Blacks (Halder and Bridgeman-Shah, 1995; Gloster and Neal, 2006). The incidence of skin cancer has been increasing among Caucasians (Ridky, 2007), but remains relatively low in people of color."

Literally the OPPOSITE of what you wrote, lol!

Such devastation!

Much surging!
Can't you get ANYTHING right?

Skin Cancer in Skin of Color
"Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the United States and represents ~ 35–45% of all neoplasms in Caucasians (Ridky, 2007), 4–5% in Hispanics, 2–4% in Asians, and 1–2% in Blacks (Halder and Bridgeman-Shah, 1995; Gloster and Neal, 2006). The incidence of skin cancer has been increasing among Caucasians (Ridky, 2007), but remains relatively low in people of color."

Literally the OPPOSITE of what you wrote, lol!

Such devastation!

Much surging!

While skin cancer rates among Blacks are low, deaths are higher than whites for melanoma

One of the most common health misconceptions is that Black people don’t get skin cancer. That myth is dangerous.

“Skin cancers can happen to anyone,” says dermatologist Dr. Naira Braghiroli, chief of dermatology at Miami Cancer Institute of Baptist Health South Florida. “Dark skin tone doesn’t mean you’re protected.”

Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the U.S., but prevalence rates vary among groups. For example, skin cancers make up a minuscule 1 to 2 percent of all cancer cases among the U.S. Black population. By comparison, it accounts for 2 to 4 percent of cancers in Asians, 4 to 5 percent in Hispanics and a startling 25 to 45 percent in Caucasians.

In spite of the low numbers, some skin cancers prove deadlier in Black patients. The average five-year melanoma survival rate for Blacks is only 67 percent. It’s 92 percent in white people.

“In this population, we find that they present at an advance stage,” Braghiroli explains. “That always makes it harder to treat.”
All it did was push me farther away from the vaccine as I was currently holding tight and waiting. Once again sitting around waiting on results which will pause my life because majority of the clients at my wife's job tested positive for the delta variant. Homeless clients who all are double vaccinated.

While skin cancer rates among Blacks are low, deaths are higher than whites for melanoma

One of the most common health misconceptions is that Black people don’t get skin cancer. That myth is dangerous.

“Skin cancers can happen to anyone,” says dermatologist Dr. Naira Braghiroli, chief of dermatology at Miami Cancer Institute of Baptist Health South Florida. “Dark skin tone doesn’t mean you’re protected.”

Skin cancer is the most common malignancy in the U.S., but prevalence rates vary among groups. For example, skin cancers make up a minuscule 1 to 2 percent of all cancer cases among the U.S. Black population. By comparison, it accounts for 2 to 4 percent of cancers in Asians, 4 to 5 percent in Hispanics and a startling 25 to 45 percent in Caucasians.

In spite of the low numbers, some skin cancers prove deadlier in Black patients. The average five-year melanoma survival rate for Blacks is only 67 percent. It’s 92 percent in white people.

“In this population, we find that they present at an advance stage,” Braghiroli explains. “That always makes it harder to treat.”
Good job posting the EXACT numbers I just did, lol!

1-2% of ALL cancers in Black folks are skin cancer, yet you said it was "devastating."

Take your L and move on...
The virus will become endemic and everyone will catch it eventually, with vaccinated / already infected showing few symptoms. The end.
I'm not a "sky is falling" type of guy so my view and how I conduct myself hasn't changed.

I found out yesterday that 5 vaccinated personnel from my Division are COVID positive. One is hospitalized in poor health.

If I get vaccinated I may have problems due to certain genetic predispositions. So, I continue doing what is right for me and it's been working so far.

Where are you getting that Trump brainwashed people into not getting it?

Trump received the vaccine, so did the former First Lady. Trump's words:

"I would recommend it to a lot of people that don't want to get it and a lot of those people voted for me, frankly. It's a great vaccine, it's a safe vaccine and it's something that works."

I get that TDS has people blaming him for every ill in society or whatever they perceive as wrong but you seem to be out to lunch on this. Unless you think him getting the shot and saying it's safe was a bad thing?

Do you?
Lol seriously . What's to change? Like did people have to go from regularly standing right up in people's face to now having to move back ? It's never really seemed like like issue tbh I've always kept my personal space.
Keep wearing masks, it's not a big deal, but too many people are just obstinate and god dam selfish.

It's not being selfish. The people getting sick are 99% unvaccinated. Why should people vaccinated keep wearing masks other than to virtue signal? There's less than a 1% chance of a vaccinated person getting COVID and then spreading it to a nonvaccinated person.

It would be like if to fight obesity, they would force fit people on a strict diet the same as obese people. The problem are the obese. You don't force the diet on the people that are already fit.

This just comply notion is silly, authoritarian and anti-science.