Law Is it time to stop traffic stops or have someone other than police to handle them?

I’ve been in routine traffic stops maybe 4-5 times in my entire life, where they stop everyone to check papers and make sure no one is intoxicated (always around major holidays) it’s no big deal, as I’m not an irresponsible rude person that is going to get mad and argue with police over them doing their job. I was stopped just this summer is July, middle of a pandemic, along with every other person ahead of me and after me, regardless of sex, gender race or condition/type of vehicle. People that freak out at traffic stops want to play the victim or have something illegal in they’re car they want to hide.
By the time the police get to it, an intoxicated driver could kill someone.

That's why the judgment call on who handles minor offenses becomes problematic. Someone driving erratically while committing "minor" offenses could be putting people's lives in danger. I don't care if people aren't being shaken down for having expired tags or tinted windows, but I sure as shit wouldn't want a meter maid making judgment calls when someone is swerving around the road, hitting curbs and going through lights because they're wasted and not being stopped immediately.
I know think of our E Babies and Greg
By the time the police get to it, an intoxicated driver could kill someone.

That's why the judgment call on who handles minor offenses becomes problematic. Someone driving erratically while committing "minor" offenses could be putting people's lives in danger. I don't care if people aren't being shaken down for having expired tags or tinted windows, but I sure as shit wouldn't want a meter maid making judgment calls when someone is swerving around the road, hitting curbs and going through lights because they're wasted and not being stopped immediately.
I think that's a fair argument. But if there's an erratic driver, it's still a traffic stop.

If the nonpolice entity pulls over a someone suspected of driving under the influence, they can call in the police for support (who can/can't apply a breathalyzer is something I think needs to be thought about in these circumstances - I'd prefer that remains in the control of the police). But if the erratic driver doesn't pull over for them, it's no different than that individual not pulling over for the police. Even these days, if the drunk driver speeds off, a single car isn't running them off the road in most municipalities. And calling it in, turning it over to the police, should work just as well for these groups as it does for the individual officer?
I think that's a fair argument. But if there's an erratic driver, it's still a traffic stop.

If the nonpolice entity pulls over a someone suspected of driving under the influence, they can call in the police for support (who can/can't apply a breathalyzer is something I think needs to be thought about in these circumstances - I'd prefer that remains in the control of the police). But if the erratic driver doesn't pull over for them, it's no different than that individual not pulling over for the police. Even these days, if the drunk driver speeds off, a single car isn't running them off the road in most municipalities. And calling it in, turning it over to the police, should work just as well for these groups as it does for the individual officer?
So the erratic driver is still driving around while we now wait for police support to come.
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I’ve been in routine traffic stops maybe 4-5 times in my entire life, where they stop everyone to check papers and make sure no one is intoxicated (always around major holidays) it’s no big deal, as I’m not an irresponsible rude person that is going to get mad and argue with police over them doing their job. I was stopped just this summer is July, middle of a pandemic, along with every other person ahead of me and after me, regardless of sex, gender race or condition/type of vehicle. People that freak out at traffic stops want to play the victim or have something illegal in they’re car they want to hide.

Or, and I know this is a wild idea, I do not want to be randomly be stopped by a government employee and made to explain where I have been, where I am going, what I’ve been up to all in attempt to give them an excuse to rifle carelessly through my property so they can hit their ticket quota for the month.

Call me crazy but people who are cool with this are bootlickers.
and other issues that do not constitute a threat to public safety
I think they're a threat. You did something wrong if your license is suspended. It also means you have no insurance. It's just a terrible idea.
Or, and I know this is a wild idea, I do not want to be randomly be stopped by a government employee and made to explain where I have been, where I am going, what I’ve been up to all in attempt to give them an excuse to rifle carelessly through my property so they can hit their ticket quota for the month.

Call me crazy but people who are cool with this are bootlickers.
You are crazy, how hard is it to say you’ve been at work, the mall , the beach whatever and you’re on the way home. You’re literally just looking to play the victim, or have something to hide.
Yet it's almost exclusively "liberty" loving right-wingers who get plate cameras and automatic issuance of tickets for red light violations shitcanned at city council meetings.

I guess you thought this was somehow a rebuttal because you think I'm a right-winger? Because I'm not.

However, I'd be against automatic traffic tickets via a high speed camera for mainly one reason: sometimes the natural flow of traffic doesn't adhere to posted speed limits. If I'm on a street that's post 35 mph speed limit, but everyone is going 42ish mph, a cop usually is not going to pull anybody over because nobody is either being impeded or being put in danger from everyone staying with the flow of traffic. Whereas a ticket cam would be banging out tickets for every person driving down the road in that same scenario. Cameras can't make common sense judgements like that.
real criminals are often caught in the act of the bigger crime while being pulled over for a minor crime.

Its going to be so easy to sell drugs now
I haven't written a traffic ticket since before COVID.

I've made maybe a dozen traffic stops since then.
Or, and I know this is a wild idea, I do not want to be randomly be stopped by a government employee and made to explain where I have been, where I am going, what I’ve been up to all in attempt to give them an excuse to rifle carelessly through my property so they can hit their ticket quota for the month.

Call me crazy but people who are cool with this are bootlickers.
While I agree with you on random stops, you do not have to say where you been, or where you are going. Just remember that, and tell them calmly that you do not have to.

Here is my DL, and do what you have to. Then, ill be on my way.
I guess you thought this was somehow a rebuttal because you think I'm a right-winger? Because I'm not.

However, I'd be against automatic traffic tickets via a high speed camera for mainly one reason: sometimes the natural flow of traffic doesn't adhere to posted speed limits. If I'm on a street that's post 35 mph speed limit, but everyone is going 42ish mph, a cop usually is not going to pull anybody over because nobody is either being impeded or being put in danger from everyone staying with the flow of traffic. Whereas a ticket cam would be banging out tickets for every person driving down the road in that same scenario. Cameras can't make common sense judgements like that.

I was referring to cameras that catch cars blowing through solid red lights. If you're really a big "personal responsibility" guy there is absolutely zero reason you would not support them.
You are crazy, how hard is it to say you’ve been at work, the mall , the beach whatever and you’re on the way home. You’re literally just looking to play the victim, or have something to hide.

Why the fuck does a government employee need to know that I’ve been at the beach or the mall?

What logical explanation is there for someone to be randomly stopped and made to provide that info to the government so they can determine whether I need to be detained or searched? So you feel safer or something?

because you answer the beach and then it turns into oh, have you been drinking at the beach? If not can I see what’s in your cooler? Why don’t you let us search your car? Or you don’t want that? That’s shady why don’t you step out of the car.
While I agree with you on random stops, you do not have to say where you been, or where you are going. Just remember that, and tell them calmly that you do not have to.

As a US citizen I have to answer the question "Where have you been?" on the US side of the border when I'm returning from Canada. Do you think this is tyrannical?
While I agree with you on random stops, you do not have to say where you been, or where you are going. Just remember that, and tell them calmly that you do not have to.

Here is my DL, and do what you have to. Then, ill be on my way.

try that and see how the cops respond. It’s likely with suspicion and accusations of hiding something followed by them coming up with some bullshit excuse to detain you anyways. “Oh, don’t want to tell us where you’ve been? His eyes seem red I think he’s under the influence get out of the car.”