Elections I would vote for a Trump led third party

What would you rather have

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I don't mean actual populism, it's a pipe dream without direct democracy. I'm strictly talking about draining power from democrats and republicans.

With direct democracy it wouldn't matter who gets elected the people's will would be mandated presidents would only be able to trim around the edges like they claim to now.

I think more parties are great. I wish Trump did start up his own party, and the progressive party could pick up some steam as well and siphon away voters from the Dems and Republicans. It would force more action and representation at least.
If 2024 is anything other than DeSantis vs. Biden/Kamala...then huge mistakes have been made.
The guy filled stadiums regularly.....Biden couldn't fill his driveway . If it's not Trump and Desantis or Desantis and ??
Lmao imagine thinking voting matters
Voting doesn't matter now. But it would with more parties and direct democracy.

For example every election, including state elections, there would be like 10 things to vote on and the highest voted option would be mandated. Like if medicare for all were an option, majority would vote for that. The president would only be able to minorly edit medicare for all but not remove it until the majority votes for a different system.
Voting doesn't matter now. But it would with more parties and direct democracy.

For example every election, including state elections, there would be like 10 things to vote on and the highest voted option would be mandated. Like if medicare for all were an option, majority would vote for that. The president would only be able to minorly edit medicare for all but not remove it until the majority votes for a different system.
Yeah in a utopia fantasy world voting matters

Trump running as a third party would be every democrats wet dream, hopefully he does it.
So you want it to remain useless as it now or do you wanna it to change for the better?
Doesn't matter what I want, can't do anything about it unless it's something illegal that can not be advocated for
I wouldn't if he runs on the republican ticket again. There's probably many like me. I wouldn't vote for him because of his policies or personality but because he would drain power from both the democrats and republicans.

Trump's the closest thing to a populist politician we have. I haven't heard of any die hard republicans or democrats that actually like their party they just hate the other party more.

He's the best shot I've seen at establishing a strong third party. It would open the door for real progressive or libertarian parties in the US. We need someone to bring the populist left and right together and lead a third party.
No on Trump as president but he can be involved
There is no reason to vote Trump in again, we need new blood. We cannot keep electing old timers.
Yes! There absolutely should be age limits for holding high office. Most people lose significant cognitive ability by age 75, and even the ones who don't are so old as to be out of touch.
Maybe trump wouldn't work, but his blueprint could. Someone needs to come along and establish a third party it's the only way we get through this ass current system.
If you want a viable third party (and beyond) we need ranked choice voting. That is the first step and only viable way to break the two party system. Otherwise even if the third party wins it will just replace the Reps and Dems or be a flash in the pan and still leave a two party system.
If Trump split the Repubs then some of the fringe Democrats might be emboldened to split their shit-show of a party too. Then you could have a 4 way run off.
americans thinking they are led by "parties" and that their votes matter.
Trump wasn’t the usual deciders choice, and he mentioned the American people taking back their country. Did you see how far they went to get him out?
Imagine still wanting donald trump around after his utter failure of an administration.

you people have oatmeal for brains. Maybe this time donald will be a populist
Trump wasn’t the usual deciders choice, and he mentioned the American people taking back their country. Did you see how far they went to get him out?

LOL! His only major legislative accomplishment was a tax cut for corporations and rich people. He also passed tariffs (i.e., raising costs for regular people to benefit a few favored businesses). You got conned, man. I hope you didn't also give him cash. :)
LOL! His only major legislative accomplishment was a tax cut for corporations and rich people. He also passed tariffs (i.e., raising costs for regular people to benefit a few favored businesses). You got conned, man. I hope you didn't also give him cash. :)

I've heard it argued that Trump didn't actually understand how tariffs work; I'm not sure if imbecilic is better than evil.