Dana White - 20 million a year

What I find fascinating is that about 35% of the people at the bottom, support and defend the people at the trop. "They deserve their money. Why should they pay taxes? they worked hard!"
It's easy..... They believe they'll make it to the top eventually.

Not very fascinating.
Just did som quick maths -

Dana makes about 20 million a year. If he cut that in half, and "only" made 10 million a year and gave the money to fighters, each and every fighter, on each and every every fight card, could get around 20-25.000$ extra pr. fight. (around 42 cards, around 10/12 fights pr. card).

I find this interesting when Dana and a lot of Sherdoggers talk about UFC not being able to afford to pay fighters more.
Nothing new here! Most Presidents of multi billion dollar companies make huge dollars while their employees/independent contractors get peanuts.

It’s not only the UFC
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"Fairly" is a very, very subjective word. What's fair to you?
I have always felt that a good rule of thumb is the 10 to 1 rule. The boss should not make more then 10 times what his lowest paid employee makes.
dana doesnt give a rats ass about the fighters or their pay.

he paid 1 million for his spoiled rottens son 16 year old birthday party.
I have always felt that a good rule of thumb is the 10 to 1 rule. The boss should not make more then 10 times what his lowest paid employee makes.

So you’ve got only 2 million to your name. Then you take a chance a put it all on the line to start a new company that never existed. 10 years later you’ve got 1,000 employees with benefits.

But you think the ex-con coming off the street to turn a screwdriver should get paid only 10x less than you who could’ve lost everything??

What I find fascinating is that about 35% of the people at the bottom, support and defend the people at the trop. "They deserve their money. Why should they pay taxes? they worked hard!"
They do pay taxes and I don't know anyone whos ever worked for a poor man. You sign the contract and no one is forcing you to. If you don't like your salary you have the personal choice to move on. If the fighters wanted to go to other orgs they could. GregariousShockingArabianhorse-max-1mb.gif
So you’ve got only 2 million to your name. Then you take a chance a put it all on the line to start a new company that never existed. 10 years later you’ve got 1,000 employees with benefits.

But you think the ex-con coming off the street to turn a screwdriver should get paid only 10x less than you who could’ve lost everything??


If you own the company you have stock in it.......
Age 51
Dana White Height 5'11"
Dana White Net Worth 2021 $500 million
Source of wealth
Combat Sports
Salary $20 million
Residence Las Vegas, Nevada
Citizenship United States
Marital Status Married
Children 3
Last Updated 2021"

I have no idea if that inclused bonus and stocks, I dount it as that is stated as his salary.
And yes, EVERYONE should have a problem with people like Bezos treating their workers like shit. It is becoming the standard - All the other companies are seeing how it can be done, and will copy it. It might not be you who has shitty working conditions, but your children, or their children. Anyone who is fine with this insane hyper capitalisme is either rich, or has no understanding of long term consequences.

Yeah, you gotta believe that stock options are a big part of the compensation package.
for my money one of the most beautiful words in the english language is enough

it's truly amazing to me how many people like Dana will never know what it means
Dana doesn’t set his own wage and bonus structure. Nobody in his position does. Yet there are execs all over the world that get paid incredible bonus money each year. Way more than what Dana makes. Meanwhile the front line worker always feels he is not paid enough. It’s always been this way.

And Dana like everybody else can spend what they earn anyway they feel like. No matter how extravagant or wasteful I think it might be.

I swear most of you don’t have the tiniest clue how big business actually works. You just like to shit on Dana or the UFC. Dana doesn’t control what his fighters actually get paid per se. I bet he never has. But like anybody in his position he tries to keep labour costs as low as possible. Because like everybody in his position. He has ALWAYS answered to somebody above him. Those are the people ultimately responsible for the pay everybody including the Dana’s of the world actually get paid.

But there can be no doubt he played a huge role in the early success of the UFC. He’s done his job, and is entitled to earn whatever his bosses think he is worth. Exactly like the fighters. And if he isn’t happy with his remuneration. Then just like the fighters. It’s up to him to do something about it, or find a new job.

This is all straight business 101. Let alone big business. The UFC is part of a conglomerate now. They literally have a budget and a BOD, and owners (investors) to answer to.

I just wish people in here actually knew how this all works. Instead of just following along and bitching about fighter pay, or Dana’s salary.

And yet, I’ve never seen one of you people ever say you thought that fighter pay was so unfair you were going to boycott the UFC until they share the wealth more fairly with the fighters.

People boycotted Tuna companies until they came up with better ways to get their fish without harming dolphins. I’ve heard of people boycotting any company that did not respect the environment. Or boycott companies linked with sweat shops.

You people don’t even do the small things like write to the sponsors of the UFC. Or to the parent company of the UFC. You could write and boycott every single one of them. But instead of writing a letter that might actually affect change. You just write rubbish in here.

My philosophy is simple.. If you don’t have the conviction to do anything about your beliefs. Maybe you shouldn’t cry to the skies about them every damn day. Because complaining about fighter pay or Dana’s salary on Sherdog isn’t going to do shit. And people shouldn’t be patting themselves on the back just because they think fighters should be paid more. Do something about it, or just shut up.
Source for Dana’s UFC income being 20 mill a year? Does that include bonuses, stock etc?

Or did you just pull the number out of your ass and speculate away? :eek:

You could go even further and speculate why Amazon employees are paid shitty wages and have to piss their pants since they can’t have toilet brakes. Uncle Bezos has net worth somewhere north of 200 billions ($200,000,000,000). Why doesn’t he chip in and help some of his broke ass employees? :eek:

I wouldn’t do that, and I bet you wouldn’t either.


$20M might be his reported salary, but like reported fight purses, the actual # is likely higher.

No way Dana makes less than Conor or Jones.
so you hate innovation, got it.
widely debunked myth propagated by the capitalist class and parroted by confused people

labor is what it takes for an education. labor is what it takes to apply said education for something innovative. capital being the means to that end by starting a company and hiring people is simply how the world is currently organized
jesus christ what a take.

i literally can't imagine being this broken by the capitalist class
It’s the way of the world. It always has been. And if I’m not happy with my lot in life, then it’s up to me to change it instead of crying about it.

I used to be a member of the Teamsters. And every single one of us got to vote on if we thought our yearly contract was fair. If enough people thought it wasn’t fair then we would go on strike.

That’s how democracy works, hand in hand with big business. But, it appears you don’t understand either of those concepts.
The VP of whatever company you work for makes..... more than you do.
Showtime VP made more than Canelo or Plant? Of course someone could argue that either guy are not employees to Showtime, they are partners co-promoting their fight, but still, its basically the same type of deal, its combat sports where people dont pay to watch the VP, they pay to watch the fighters.
so you hate innovation, got it.
Well, the average CEO pay in Japan is 572.894$, and they seem to be quite on the forefront of innovation. And Germany - average ceo pay 400.000$. And I could keep going, and it will still go right over your head.
5 billion in debt back in July. Good numbers, making big payments on the debt it appears (600 mil). 20 million isn't much, I thought he'd take much more. Maybe less than normal due to 2020.