Why do people say The Beatles were overrated?


Mar 15, 2015
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I hear this said A LOT. I know that taste is subjective, but I see it said very often.

J/w if someone can explain why they think that. I think they have some pretty good songs.

Well they are considered the greatest musical artists ever. So I can see why people would say that. There just so high up on the pedestal for many. That there will be obvious haters. It just comes with the territory.
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Probably from people like me who listen to them and say "Meh, I just don't see it" and don't care for their music that much. I get their importance and all that but wouldn't lose any sleep if they dropped off the face of the earth. Actually, kind of feel the same way about Star Wars...
When so much praise is heaped on something and there are so many different musical tastes in the word there's bound to be plenty of people who's tastes don't agree with the praise.
They're either trying to be a contrarian or they have terrible taste in music. I'm not a massive Beatles fan by any means, but it's easy to appreciate their music and what they accomplished.
i mean.... i got into them in high school but it only lasted of couple of months. the beetles are like candy, its good but there is nothing there for me. its like pop music in that way. i think they are the most overrated band in history. there is not a singe long the do that i cannot live without ever hearing again.
When they were in their prime I was more into blues, Dylan, Hendrix, Stones, Joplin, Cocker, a more grit and grim sound, they weren't back in the alley enough for me.

Well as I matured musically I started getting it, these cats were incredible, I now own everything they ever recorded as The Beatles. Took me along time to come up to their level, but finally got what all the fuss about.
Not being a contrarian, just never thought their music was remotely good. Very basic musicianship, not good vocally, just uninteresting. They may have been amazing for their time, but that doesn’t make me want to listen to them now.
They were great, just not as great as the Stones.
Because they are. They are rated highly by a lot of people and I don't share that opinion.

They're either trying to be a contrarian or they have terrible taste in music. I'm not a massive Beatles fan by any means, but it's easy to appreciate their music and what they accomplished.

Not big on the idea of musical taste, eh? Sorry man - if I listen to it and think "I don't remotely enjoy this" I'm not going to pretend I like their music for the sake of their legacy or something. If you enjoy it though, good for you. You listen to that over there, and I'll do my thing (which won't include the Beatles becuase I don't like them) over here.
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The word “overrated” get tossed around more than a Thai hooker these days but in this case it’s justified.
Not big on the idea of musical taste, eh? Sorry man - if I listen to it and think "I don't remotely enjoy this" I'm not going to pretend I like their music for the sake of their legacy or something. If you enjoy it though, good for you. You listen to that over there, and I'll do my thing (which won't include the Beatles becuase I don't like them) over here.

Apology accepted. I'm certainly big on the idea of musical taste and you fall into one of the two categories.
Well they are considered the greatest musical artists ever. So I can see why people would say that. There just so high up on the pedestal for many. That there will be obvious haters. It just comes with the territory.
First post nailed it. When you are frequently considered the greatest band of all time, anyone who doesn't think you're the greatest gets to call you overrated.
Own over 20,000 CD/records/tapes. have it all, heard everyone and everything. Hell, American indian flute music, workers on a chain gang, African tribal music, primitive blues pre 1930, early country pre 1930, yep, rap, hip hop, heavy metal, punk, grunge, soul, funk, rockabilly, oldies, people nobody here has ever heard of like Harry Manx, Hans Thessnik, Mark Lemhouse, Greg Brown etc . The Beatles are the best "band" we have in the music biz, really is just that simple, obviously if looking for New Orleans jazz or Western swing or bluegrass it won't be The Beatles, but if it's just rock and roll and ya want the best that would be John, Paul, George and Ringo.

Now if anyone wants to battle who knows music, good luck.

Love it, gotta have some head phones
