Ex-porn star Lana Rhoades says she wants all of her X-rated videos deleted

Ok, Im not really a big porn guy...Don't know the names or anything. But I just checked her out.....If I were her I would be more concerned about her anus being to hold shit in when she walks around than her dignity....GDAM she takes poles up the shoot like it's nothing....
I think being open and honest with her child about her past is the best way to go about it. Having a parent whom you can trust to be honest with you is certainly more transforming than one who is secretive and, honestly, deceitful. She should be straight with the child and use her own mistakes as a tool to likely make her child's life better.

It's obviously a tough situation, but the day that the child figures out her mom's prior profession is undeniably coming, sooner or later. Tackling something like that head on, when the appropriate time arises, is the responsible thing to do. Much better to hear it from Lana than from someone else.

thats a good point too. it really depends on the situation. its really about the TIMING for me as to when to tell the kid not if the kid should ever be informed about it. i would want my child to know the whole truth about my past too..... but its a matter of when.

any actions she should take is to keep angry hateful and cruel people from harming the child before she/he is ready to hear about it and having the opportunity to present the reality in the correct light.

my life is so many stages away from my troubled past that it would confuse my young daughter right now but i want her to know and it will be powerful for her to hear about it when she is older. she can draw a lot of inspiration from two parents who have come so far in comparison to where they started when she is old enough to understand it all.

@Bobby Boulders
Eh.. she shouldn't worry too much about it. By the time the kid is old enough to know how to effectively search for porn on a tablet (age 5), people who view porn will have forgotten who she is already.
Ok, Im not really a big porn guy...Don't know the names or anything. But I just checked her out.....If I were her I would be more concerned about her anus being to hold shit in when she walks around than her dignity....GDAM she takes poles up the shoot like it's nothing....

You can't let a talent like that go to waste
i cant NOT support her wish to erase or conceal her past. she never said she could anyway. nobody can. she should do everything in her power to minimize it. but it is unrealistic and its not going to happen obviously.

she should change her name... get some plastic surgery to change her appearance and gain or lose 20 pounds whichever is more relevant and get long term counseling and some education too.

if she does all of that i think her kid will be fine and she should have a prepared and sealed letter of love and concern and explanation ready for when/if her child comes across the porn and recognizes her.

its all about the child at this point and no measure is too great to take for its wellbeing.

Do we really think more plastic surgery is the answer to this problem!?
Our copies are safe down here.

Unless they EMP you.

Anyway, this is another case of a young and naive girl getting into porn and not realizing the consequences of this throughout her life.

Now she's quit porn and has a baby (is the father still with them?) and regrets that there's videos all over the internet of her getting bangbanged by black guys and giving them rimjobs.

"Oh no, my child is going to go through life with those videos on the internet of his mother doing all those nasty things!"

Yup, that's right, congratulations bitch.

my life is so many stages away from my troubled past that it would confuse my young daughter right now but i want her to know and it will be powerful for her to hear about it when she is older. she can draw a lot of inspiration from two parents who have come so far in comparison to where they started when she is old enough to understand it all.

@Bobby Boulders
It is absolutely crucial to do it at a time when a child can grasp the situation. Obviously a seven year old would have issues. In the case of Lana, it may be a good idea to do it around middle school time, as that is when kids begin to get curious and start seeking out porn and whatnot. Very unlikely Lana would need to worry about an eight year old finding out and going to school and making fun of her daughter (although, also not exactly outside of the realm of possibility). Telling your 11 year old would be a difficult thing to do, and wouldn't be an ideal time for this and other serious situations of a person's past to be revealed except for the fact other people could reveal it for her, but, to me, that's the most crucial point in this specific case. If the child managed to maneuver through middle school with no one finding out, it would most certainly be figured out in high school.

The good news, I suppose, is that the younger generations seem to be a lot different than mine. They seem generally more apt to be understanding and accepting of people and their lifestyles, and there is a huge push against bullying. This will likely be even more true of kids by the time this child needs to worry about anyone finding out about their mom. It obviously isn't that every kid in these new gens is this way, kids can absolutely be cruel, but, generally, things seem to be moving away from cruelty and more towards letting people live. So maybe even if it is found out it won't be that bad.

Good on you for wanting to be open with your kid. Extremely difficult, but extremely important and necessary.
I look at a lot of porn on the phone at night in bed and never heard of her. Maybe I need to broaden my horizons beyond huge natural tittays and sensual anal
It's too late.

The sins are beyond repair. She's going straight to Hell.
Worst part is how deluded she sounds. She almost word for word said ‘I used to do porn and earned 100k and now I quit and I’m a multimillionaire’ like as if she was always destined to be a rich businesswoman but porn got in the way.

Not acknowledging the reality that her multimillionaire status is mostly due to the fame and exposure she got from throwing her ass out. An opportunity no man will ever get and one that requires no talent or skill.
I wish her and every other porn star could delete the horrible plastic surgery that's ruined their good looks.

I nominate Lela Star as tribute. She was perfect until she tried to become the Kim K of porn.
Well well well if it isn’t the consequences of my actions…

Btw the title is X-rated content. I’m sure she still does cam shows or onlyfans or whatever
Has to hand back the money and any income/opportunities that flowed from pron back first.
Story of Amelia Wang

Kelly Christina Baltazar, born June 19, 1992 (age 27) and now Kelly Jiayi Wang, is the hapa porn star daughter of Goldman Sachs vice president Kevin Baltazar (Kevin Masterson since 2015). After filming several hardcore porn shoots under the alias Mayli, days after turning 18, her father set out to remove every video of her off the internet, to almost no success.

Father Kevin Baltazar (Dead COVID-19), Mother Karen Wang, and daughter Kelly Wang.


Kelly was arrested and kicked out of Georgetown for selling weed out of her dorm.

Five days after turning 18, Kelly Beltazar filmed a shoot with Facial Abuse, a notorious pornography studio. She was paid 200 dollars for approximately 50 minutes of work.

She then repeated this mistake twice more with SpermSuckers and WhoreNextDoor.

Shortly after, likely 4chan, discovered who "Mayli" was and started sending screenshots and videos to her father's work email.

This lead to her dad to try and nuke the video off of the internet. Kelly was distanced from the family and her social media was locked down. Using the full might of his net worth, he purchased the rights to his daughter porn videos and used DMCA to remove them from popular porn sites. This process of taking down videos continues to this day. This includes a recent thread on the kiwifarms.


After that she graduated from Columbia with a MA in Art History (2016). She became a college assistant for a time. Later she attended Hunter College New York (CUNY) and was in the honors program.

Damn she’s super hot