Social Canada truckers against vaccine mandates thread V2

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lol why don't you want to own the fact that Florida has the exact policy you want yet has the most deaths in the country, and more deaths than a lot of entire countries?

Vote for DeSantis, he'll make sure you're free to die while he takes payments from Big Phrama!

Vote for DeSantis
I hear China has a interesting covid testing kit. Would you prefer it if some of the Blue States try it out? lol
Don't fake empathize with me dude. Your true colours have been shown.

Listen to that clip I posted for half an hour.

I fucking dare you.
Fake empathy? I have no qualms about telling you to go fuck yourself. Lol

So go fuck yourself. I've posted a relevant interview with the spokesperson of the convoy and you ignored it. So why should I listen to anything you post? Tit for tat homey.
At what point do we all just acknowledge that we won't agree on this topic and move on with our lives?
Don't fake empathize with me dude. Your true colours have been shown.

Listen to that clip I posted for half an hour.

I fucking dare you.

Yeah dude, listening to blaring horns for a week straight is nowhere near as bad as being made to comply with a foreign government's requirements to enter their country for profit.
Fake empathy? I have no qualms about telling you to go fuck yourself. Lol

So go fuck yourself. I've posted a relevant interview with the spokesperson of the convoy and you ignored it. So why should I listen to anything you post? Tit for tat homey.
Nah, we're done here.
I don't give a fuck what you think. You sympathize with an illegal occupation organized by a white supremacist and funded by a separatist.

Your judgement is completely fucked.
Lol. Proud Boys literally posed as Antifa and started shit.

You aren't as creative as you think.

I see.

And nobody would ever think of doing the exact same thing to the Trucker's Convoy, right?

Especially one completely covered from head to toe, including a full face mask, when everyone else is walking around maskless?

Surely you can't be this dishonest and ridiculous, right?
I hear China has a interesting covid testing kit. Would you prefer it if some of the Blue States try it out? lol

Who's talking about China except you?

I was talking about Australia and how their policy compares to Florida.

Can you follow a conversation or are you really that dumb?
Vote for DeSantis
lol yeah because he wants the state to have free choices with the feel of you being rejected out of your job right? should we fire people who are not boosted to?
I think the truckers that are near the neighborhoods need to relocate or at least stop the honking. The people living there probably have this look on their faces.

Yea, I'd agree with the honking.
Yeah dude, listening to blaring horns for a week straight is nowhere near as bad as being made to comply with a foreign government's requirements to enter their country for profit.
How do you think this would go over it was in DC?

These fucking morons would be in federal prison already.
Lol. Go back to trolling forums where people don't actually think. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.
I hate to break it to you, but war room posters are the dumbest motherfuckers on Sherdog.
Who's talking about China except you?

I was talking about Australia and how their policy compares to Florida.

Can you follow a conversation or are you really that dumb?
You were prasing countries like China or are you that dumb that you forget or still obsessed with DeSantis?

I was talking about Australia
I spoke to a user from Aus with replies lol not even the vaccinated like their measures not sure what BS nonsense you are talking about.
I don't give a fuck what you think. You sympathize with an illegal occupation organized by a white supremacist and funded by a separatist.

Your judgement is completely fucked.

I'm outta likes, but this how I feel too.
Yeah dude, listening to blaring horns for a week straight is nowhere near as bad as being made to comply with a foreign government's requirements to enter their country for profit.
How about we fire those who are not boosted with their fourth or 7th dose? maybe fire them and yell them for not wearing a goofy mask that doesn't protect you?

That's what your beloved mandates do.
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