Will Smith Stockton Slaps Chris Rock at the Oscars

For years the premise of awards show has been to poke fun at the people in the audience to prove that Hollywood doesn't take itself too seriously
the jokes are pre-written and vetted
Chris Rock probably didn't write that set himself

someone else wrote the jokes for him
because its a comedy show

If you believe that a bunch of privileged, obscenely wealthy, childish, spoiled brats in fancy clothes jerking each other off for playing pretend in a movie is serious business then you have major issues.

They have betting lines out lmaooooo

Lol at this douche bag using the indecent to race bate.

well no shit, Gervais would have been verbally firing on all cylinders after being slapped.

Rock handled the situation pretty well, if real.
I mean Chris has gone after JPS on multiple occasions and I don't blame a guy getting upset for someone messing with his wife. It's just some big time cognitive dissonance going on when you let guys literally mess with your wife but not allow this. TBH I think Will Smith is a real life cuck. Some people are legit into shit like that. I had no problem with the "attack", I thought it was refreshing to see something real happening on Hollywood TV instead of a bunch of people pretending they are ok being made fun of to further someone else's popularity.
Chris has to walk up know that he got slapped by a Man on Live tv and has the rest of the world trying to him it’s OK but I bet you money he cried in the car.

Your delusional cope wreaks of cuck think, will Smith might as well dawn that fuck my shit up crown from Brendan Frasier at this point<2>
Why do people still believe this? Staged for what reason? Even Alex Jones would say this was real

Because you have half the country talking about it at the watercooler.

Shit, how often does a Mayberry thread blow up to 57 pages in less than a day?
get a life you soft ass cunt, Chris Rock wasn't making fun of her disease, he was making a joke about her being bald. she's bald because she shaved her head not because of alopecia. her alopecia is so minor she wouldn't even need a wig to disguise it. she just trying to be edgy.

stop white knighting old hollywood bitches who cucked their husbands.

i'm an asshole because i say things that other people too scared to say and i say it in a brutally blunt manner. that doesn't change the fact that it's true. i rather be a truthful asshole than a nice lying ass coward.

LMAO That's her hair loss? It looks like an old scar she got from hitting her head when she was a kid.
Why do people still believe this? Staged for what reason? Even Alex Jones would say this was real

Are you serious? You don't know why the fucking OSCARS would have any reason to generate an attention-grabbing fiasco?
Ppl forgetting will's bald and the beautiful wig snatching joke on fresh prince.

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