Media Sergei Pavlovich describes himself "Scared Ngannou away"

I think he has that hard nose Irish sense of humor where it's a hard core sort of ball busting.

I get it.

And it's just a side of a coin. We have plenty of white hate with woke wackiness.

They're both wild.

Would've been a good reason to keep Reem around lol.

Fr. UFC should've never cut Reem.

It is wild af that Francis left, too.
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I was dying laughting when I read "kills fat people (TAI)" lmaoooo
Holy shit

Sergei's phone ringing off the hook rn

Yeah, he is fun and all, but he wouldn’t last much with Ngannou. I give him 3 to 4 minutes. Don’t know why people think he is at that level.
For his sake I hope his English is bad enough to play the "I no read it, just see funny and post" card
Someone is gonna ask him and he'll say it was all funny lol
Don’t forget fat people and brutalizing Juliana Pena.

After adding fat shaming and women beating, we only need homophobia for him to hit all of his bases. Cancel culture is well on its way with a full tank of gas.

His hope here is he probably didn’t make it or read/understand all of it.
Makes me like him more tbh