You Gonna Live to See the Next Halley's Comet?

The real question is who is going to be around when Hale Bopp comes back in the year 4385.
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I'll be around 90.

Knowing my health issues the only way I'm seeing it is if they thaw me out of cryogenisis
Nah I won't make it to my late 70s. Covid almost took me out this past weekend.
I'd be 75, I expect I'd be long dead by then

Maybe by the year 2061 we'll have seen so much more of space, what with technological advances and potential alien invasions, that Haley's Comet won't even be that big an event
I expect to die in my 50s. So, I’m guessing not likely.
Hale Bopp shit on Halley's Comet though.
I'll be 89 if I make it. I'll probably be too miserable to care.
The next appearance of Halley's is slated to be on or around July 28, 2061.

I saw the one in '86. Chances are I won't make to the next one but if I do, where we meeting up?

I'd be like 87 years old. No way I'm making it that long unfortunately.
Probably not, but then again I'm surprised that I'm still alive today, and I have some ancestors that lived long lives, so there is a possibility I'll still be alive. I might not remember anything since Alzheimer's runs in the family but for the record could still be around.
I will be 69 in 2061, so I hope so!
I'd be 84. From the lifespans of the men of my mother's and father's side of the family, I'm pretty much in my twilight years at the moment.
I can probably live as long as I want to, so we’ll see if I’m in the mood for it.
I could have sworn it came around in 96? Mandela effect?

Or was that Hail Bopp?
It was Hale Bopp in the 1995. Wow that was amazing. Every 2k+ years
I'd be 69 but we'd probably already had nuked ourselves to oblivion by that point