Who presented themself better in their confrontation? Izzy or DDP?

2004 account

For a fair sport/true mma fan, ain't no shill
Apr 29, 2018
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I was all in for the typical ufc forced face to face challenge between izzy and ddp but as soon as izzy opened his mouth and repeatedly race baited ddp, I was instantly turned off because this is exactly that same attitude and energy that is dividing the masses right now.

The best part of the whole exchange for me was when ddp took the high road and just ignored izzys lasts words, turned around and continued celebrating his victory and taking back the focus because it was his moment, not izzy's. Izzy comes off as an immature child, it always has to be about him.

Ddp was classy while izzy was doing the typical trolling trying to get that sjw social media buzz/clout.

The angle izzy took was pretty disgusting and I'd rather he don't go all cokehead angry again on someone celebrating getting their belt.

Who came off looking better from this optics wise? For me def ddp, someone who I felt lukewarm about before but actually gained my support now due to his performance and the classy way he carried himself.
Izzy honestly embarrassed himself, imo, but their body language was definitely against DDP. He's a guy who prizes himself on his strength and size, and I don't think he realized how big Izzy actually is, he was looking down and away and let Izzy railroad him. Not very confident looking.
Izzy honestly embarrassed himself, imo, but their body language was definitely against DDP. He's a guy who prizes himself on his strength and size, and I don't think he realized how big Izzy actually is, he was looking down and away and let Izzy railroad him. Not very confident looking.
Yea I kinda got that vibe too at first

I didn't know if he was truly shook by izzy or just being humble in victory and trying not to match the same energy as to not play into izzys mind game. I hope we find out soon though

Izzy sounded drunk as hell and ddp made the smart choice in not engaging with a drunk moron on a huge stage who was determined to make shit racial

Other than throw a punch there was no way to respond to izzy in that moment and he will get his chance to do that soon enough
Izzy honestly embarrassed himself, imo, but their body language was definitely against DDP. He's a guy who prizes himself on his strength and size, and I don't think he realized how big Izzy actually is, he was looking down and away and let Izzy railroad him. Not very confident looking.

He literally has trained with Izzy before, I just don't think DDP wanted that kind of confrontation, he did seem uncomfortable
DDP. If he was smart, he would have told him to stop being racist and said he's fighting for all of Africa while Izzy moved to NZ. Izzy probably would have brawled at that point.

All Izzy had to do was say something similar how he fights for all of Africa and all people and that DDP went too far saying he wasn't a real African. Instead, he went stupid and did the N promo and called DDP a cracker in another interview. He really got triggered by DDP's comments.
I was all in for the typical ufc forced face to face challenge between izzy and ddp but as soon as izzy opened his mouth and repeatedly race baited ddp, I was instantly turned off because this is exactly that same attitude and energy that is dividing the masses right now.

The best part of the whole exchange for me was when ddp took the high road and just ignored izzys lasts words, turned around and continued celebrating his victory and taking back the focus because it was his moment, not izzy's. Izzy comes off as an immature child, it always has to be about him.

Ddp was classy while izzy was doing the typical trolling trying to get that sjw social media buzz/clout.

The angle izzy took was pretty disgusting and I'd rather he don't go all cokehead angry again on someone celebrating getting their belt.

Who came off looking better from this optics wise? For me def ddp, someone who I felt lukewarm about before but actually gained my support now due to his performance and the classy way he carried himself.
DDP was respecting RW too, at least show respect for someone who respects the losing opponent. As a fighter I like Izzy, but at a person he is like the gutter.

I thought DDP came off as someone who is in complete control of the situation. The way he turned away and lifted his hands after doing a face off and engaging in some trash talk but not to the point it ruins his character as a person who just respected his opponent. He just turned away like it was nothing ....Izzy is so embarrassing as a person....just no class and degenerate morally that he probably has no idea how he looks.
Izzy honestly embarrassed himself, imo, but their body language was definitely against DDP. He's a guy who prizes himself on his strength and size, and I don't think he realized how big Izzy actually is, he was looking down and away and let Izzy railroad him. Not very confident looking.
This was kinda my take. Izzy came across like a fool, but I did notice DDPs body language looked like he was a little intimidated, and Izzy looked big when they were standing face to face.
What tastes better, a gourmet meal or a piece of dog turd… hmmm that’s a tough one.
This was kinda my take. Izzy came across like a fool, but I did notice DDPs body language looked like he was a little intimidated, and Izzy looked big when they were standing face to face.
He was probably smelling the alcohol on his breath and thinking fuck this drunk idiot is so emotional he could start throwing punches at any moment.