Elections Trump Now Indicted For Conspiracy To Defraud In Washington DC

So Rudy flipped?
Rudy may have flipped.
Meadows has definitely flipped.
Meadows handed over his phone, which is how we found out Trump said it was embarrassing he lost to Ole Man Joe.
Trump has burned over 60 million in Legal fees prior to this charge and we still dont have GA yet.
Whale Donors and Corporate donors are not giving to Trump. Trump is trying to get reimbursed for money he gave out for the 2020 election from his PAC.
The game has just begun and Trump is searching for money to pay lawyers. He is in a tight spot, he wants to hold all these off until election so in case he does win, he can pardon himself, but lawyers dont get a lump sum and that covers it all. Delays means more lawyers bills.
I guess we are going to see another round of NFT's but how much can he milk from his small donors. Plus Sheldon Adelson is dead so he cant get another 75 million dollar check from him again.
It is going to get interesting, plus the leaks of evidence from all these cases is not going to help him in the election.
Yea Rudy could of flipped for sure
You think Rudy could of flipped? Why would he of done that? Do you think they could of given him a good deal? Do you think he'd go to jail if he would of just kept his mouth shut? Do you think he should of been charged too? Will you ever realize that saying "of" instead of "have" is wrong and makes you sound very dumb?
Joseph Goebbels would be proud of their new Nazi party that goes by the name of the Democrat party. This shit is sad and pathetic and every brainwashed racist sheep that voted for Biden is lower than stepped-in dog shit...
Oh man, I can hardly contain my Schadenfreude on this post

Scadeunfreude is a German word. The Nazis were a German party. Uh ok I just enthüllt myself
Pence refused to go along with trumps plan. Trump tells pence "youre too honest"
Magatards seem to have this completely twisted idea that the rest of us give a damn about that dopefiend Hunter Biden when the reality is he could be sent to prison for the rest of his natural days and the rest of us wouldn't even bat an eye.

People don’t realize that Trump and Hunter have a lot in common. They probably would be ‘friends’ under different circumstances. Another example of the tribalism in America.
Magatards seem to have this completely twisted idea that the rest of us give a damn about that dopefiend Hunter Biden when the reality is he could be sent to prison for the rest of his natural days and the rest of us wouldn't even bat an eye.

But you must care about Joe, Hunter, and the whole family because you're in a cult, right?!


Yeah, thinking anyone ever gave a shit about Hunter is peculiar.
This he absolutely should be charged for. I can’t believe how few people cared about this story. What he was doing should scare anyone that cares about preserving the republic and not becoming a dictatorship.

Im not being hyperbolic either.
Absolutely. And these are just the federal charges, I fully expect state charges out of GA soon. Trump is really, really fucked. As he should be.
It’s crazy that people still love this guy. I was watching a recent interview and someone was asked if they would be bothered if trump murdered someone. He looked the interviewer in the face and said no. Seriously, what do we do with these people? Their minds are too far gone. I guess we just have to hope they aren’t dangerous enough to go shoot up some place if he ever did jail time or gets prevented from running for another term
ahh...getting to the truth of what you chuds want.

What's wrong with a majority of voters wanting Trump indicted and sentenced if found guilty? That's essentially what this is about - if he's sentenced to prison time, he can't possibly serve as president. Don't be obtuse - there's no secret here.... a majority of Americans DO NOT want him to be president and a wild number don't want him to run - Democrat AND Republican. The GOP doesn't really want him because they know he's extremely unlikely to win.