Andrew Tate explain why Conor McGregor dont fight.

A guy who made his wealth by sex trafficking and web camming women really shouldn't be lecturing shit to anyone on how to be a man

He literally got rich by typing on a keyboard pretending to be women to turn on lonely desperate men into wasting their savings on web cam lmfao, good job seducing guys pretending to be chicks, an amazing specialty

Oh now he's trying to make money by selling courses to those very lonely men he made money off in the beginning, and telling them porn and web cam (how he made his wealth in the first place) is bad, beautiful hypocrisy
At first when I heard about him, I thought "Alright, positive message to men, be manly etc" then I realized he's jsut a degenerate e-pimp who was gay enough to dirty talk men for money. Anyone actually using this loser as a rolemodel has to have their head checked.
"Muh Matrix!"
Lmao, Tate is a total buffoon. The kids who take this stuff seriously need to realize they're not competing against us mythical sherdoggers, but the concept of not having a boyfriend at all. And for any self-respecting woman, the concept of not having a boyfriend instead of a psychologically stunted tate disciple is the clear choice
A guy who made his wealth by sex trafficking and web camming women really shouldn't be lecturing shit to anyone on how to be a man

He literally got rich by typing on a keyboard pretending to be women to turn on and j*rk off lonely desperate men into wasting their savings on web cam lmfao, good job seducing guys pretending to be chicks, an amazing and proud worthy skillset

Now he's trying to make money by selling courses to those very lonely men he made money off in the beginning, and telling them porn and web cam (how he made his wealth in the first place) is bad, beautiful hypocrisy
Andrew Tate is a world class douchebag, but he's not exactly wrong in this video.

It's not exactly breaking news level revelations either. We've all known forever that to really be a successful fighter you gotta be hungry and only care about that, and that's hard to keep up when you're rich AF.
Andrew Tate kidnaps and fucks kids, if you take advice from that guy, then fuck you.
Did i miss something lol...i know he hustled people over nude webcams ... Again not really his fault but whats this now.?...imma need a source on this
Couldn't get thru the video, he sounds like a combination of Sylvester J. Pussycat and Jeremy Clarkson.

All the beta sherdoggers clearly get triggered by Tate. I would bet money they have hardly listened to what he's said. But instead only watched the feminists response videos where what he has said is taken out of context. But t
Like support like. Better to be accused of sounding like a female than be a rapist pedo supporter. Are you buddies with Jerod Fogel, the Subway guy? That will be your next thread.

Where’s a single shred of evidence that Tate is a pedo? Post some proof if you’re so confident or you are just an asshole that slanders people with no evidence.

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