International Russia/Ukraine Megathread V15

Russia has burned through almost half of the liquid reserves in its national wealth fund as it bleeds money amid the war in Ukraine​


"The stash of liquid assets in Russia's national wealth fund has fallen over 44% since Moscow invaded Ukraine, according to a Bloomberg report of Russian finance ministry data on Wednesday.

The amount of assets that can be easily liquidated under Russia's National Wellbeing Fund fell from 8.9 trillion rubles, or $100.4 billion, to 5 trillion rubles in the two years from January 2022 — the month before the invasion — to December 2023, according to Bloomberg.

Meanwhile, the national wealth fund's total holdings tumbled 12% over the same period.

The massive slump in the national wealth fund's liquid assets came as its holdings in Russian companies and in infrastructure bonds surged by 2 trillion rubles, per Bloomberg calculations. This suggests the state is using its liquid reserves to support the economy.

Russia's finance ministry also used around 3 trillion rubles from the fund to cover its budget deficit in 2023 after it doubled defense spending in the same period."

The death of 1,000 cuts...

Now, the bleeding begins...
In 2022 th they had just launched printer and printed approx 3500 b roubles. Even their central bank openly had listed this on their webpage.
They also had sold a bit from their physical gold reserves and in 2023 th yeah, from savings approx 3000 b roubles...
While sadly doesn't looks that Putin and his friends will have problems to hire replacement to compensate KIAs, propaganda works well, hiring is done smoothly and not likely Putin will sign any agreement at least till end of this year. Therefore lazy West should increase not delay supplies to Ukr.

When seing West weak and shy, HAMAS and housites already had activated, war in Sudan, junta in Niger, Kim feels like King after had launched sattelite.....

Yemen's sectants are very dangerous: they are impacting approx 15 % of world civil maritime traffic and effect from this on world's economy will be higher than from shit in Gaza and Ukr war together...considerably more.
Iran is happy and Russia too: they will boost up crude oil and LNG prices worldwide, increase ships insurance expenses etc....A lot....also gold and other precious metals least for some period futures contracts ....
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Almost every single word out of that idiot's mouth is complete rubbish....every single fucking word.
He is also senile oligarch. Dreaming about world's hegemeony in future.
" They does have time till next elections while we will have time for generations to establish Russian World ".....order....
Especially cos today West is dumb and lazy and moscow had been founded by Kiev...this reality.
"Lavrov: The invasion of Ukraine has "cleansed" Russia
The invasion of Ukraine has "cleansed" Russia, says the country's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov during his annual press conference today.

- The military special operation has united our society like never before and contributed to clearing out people who do not feel that they belong to Russian history and culture." - via Omni and google translate.

"Lavrov: The invasion of Ukraine has "cleansed" Russia
The invasion of Ukraine has "cleansed" Russia, says the country's foreign minister Sergey Lavrov during his annual press conference today.

- The military special operation has united our society like never before and contributed to clearing out people who do not feel that they belong to Russian history and culture." - via Omni and google translate.

Russia never had invaded any country....
Modi: Georga and Ukraine?
Lavrov: it is Russia....
Modi: we need to talk about more discounts for crude oil supplies.

Lavrov in India.
I wonder if this russian tank crew member landing at 0:12 is ok

I don't think I've seen it posted here but Russia has allegedly lost an A-50 (awacs) and an Il-22 (air control) over the weekend.

These are very expensive and rare aircraft, unlikely to be replaced any time soon. They're also very vital to an air war.
When the shills talk about how Ruzzia more population therefor have a big advantage is true to a point. However after the initial brain drain and non stop conscription it starts to add up taking a 1000 men a day to the war something has to give. A lot of tradesmen and various skilled workers have been plucked and sent to UKR and guess what when things need to be fixed and boilers go down in -30 weather shit get's real.
Those building that have had no heat for long periods of time are fucked as when/if they ever get the heat back on the pipes will be bursting all the more.
I always said Russia is going to die of a 1000 cuts and now the blood is starting to drip a bit more.
A bit more is being generous. Russian's are sharing videos where they worry that nothing will be done till April or May. Their infestructure is caving in an will require considerable amount of digging an pipe removal.

This is why almost every country in the develop world has heating systems In basements Vs central wide heating. These Russian are freezing an likely nothing can be done till the spring.

People now are using electric heating via portable heaters or possibly propane that could lead to a new set of problems. Yet Putler remains popular in most cases but there does seem to be problems.
It's always funny when Putler waffles on in an effort to justify himself - it's like watching a Sherdog poster panic wrestle when they've just been called out lol
One KGB agent had kicked out ....and was so opressed that he had mortgage * ( not confiscated BTW )....instead to put him in prison and enforce confiscation, prison term and fines ... They 20+ yers IMHO knew that old fatāla dude is agent.... while better was to watch this known agent rather than lurk for servera dozen of New aģents ( spies ). He had been expelled only when had turned into socially absolutely unberable person. This fat old cunt still didn't had property confiscation order from court, just had get order to relocate to Matushka....
So he even might sell mortgage ( oppressed poor old fat and Rich kid ) he had in EU....
A bit more is being generous. Russian's are sharing videos where they worry that nothing will be done till April or May. Their infestructure is caving in an will require considerable amount of digging an pipe removal.

This is why almost every country in the develop world has heating systems In basements Vs central wide heating. These Russian are freezing an likely nothing can be done till the spring.

People now are using electric heating via portable heaters or possibly propane that could lead to a new set of problems. Yet Putler remains popular in most cases but there does seem to be problems.
In Russia now approx 500 000 ppl does have problems with central heating cos un known by them reasons, therefore in telegram channels are blamed U.S, U.K, EU and EEZ countries.. propaganda still does work well and they looks that will elect Mr Putin anyway.......