MVP Would Lose to Most Welterweights On The UFC Roster


Black Belt
Platinum Member
Nov 2, 2019
Reaction score
MVP is not a good boxer, or skilled striker, but it seems he has once again been able to fool a whole new crop of fans into believing he is.

MVP uses his world class footwork to move laterally around the cage, which makes it quite difficult for opponents to reach him, so to the uninitiated it can give off the appearance that the guy is incredibly slick and dangerous. In reality, MVP's boxing is him winging his right hand from his hip and when it misses (which it usually does) he will crash into his opponents, and foot sweep them to the canvas to make it appear to the audience and judges as though he has knocked his opponent down. Once his opponents are on the canvas and in the process of getting up he will play to the crowd with a shaky leg dance, mocking their supposed "damaged" state, even when he has not actually done anything more than crash into them and push them to the canvas. MVP also has no takedown defense, and no getup game to speak of other than him pleading with the official for a standup, despite his 10+ years fighting professionally. Most opponents who take him down, even non-wrestlers, control him for the entire round.

I am absolutely not hating on the guy he has done extraordinarily well for himself without many MMA based skills other than footwork. The reality is though most of the Welterweights at the bottom of the UFC roster, guys like Preston Parsons, Adam Fuggit, Mickey Gall, or Themba Gorimbo; as well as most others would embarrass MVP.
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he beat Kevin Holland and Kevin is in the middle of the roster

Holland was chosen because the UFC brass knew he would not immediately grapple MVP, did not have good enough footwork to cut off the big octagon they use at live events, and that MVP could likely get into his head with the antics.
Holland was chosen because the UFC brass knew he would not immediately grapple MVP, did not have good enough footwork to cut off the big octagon they use at live events, and that MVP could likely get into his head with the antics.
The first offensive thing Holland did was try to grapple him. And eventually he did successfully take him down.
Holland was chosen because the UFC brass knew he would not immediately grapple MVP, did not have good enough footwork to cut off the big octagon they use at live events, and that MVP could likely get into his head with the antics.
When he got taken down I was like,man if Holland knew anything about what to do from this point,MVP is toast. But he sucked at holding him down. It looked like a white belt trying to hold someone down

That being said,he can def beat some guys.
His TDD isn't horrible. It's just his stand up is so superior to everyone, his wrestling/ground game is mediocre in comparison. So everyone knows where they want to beat him. It's going to be hard to find anyone who wants to stand. Most WWs have wrestling though in UFC, so he needs a golden path to get a titleshot. MVP vs Leon would be great.