Media !!! Alex "Creepy Doc" Pereira !!!

The problem with Nina and the schmo is the fetishization of the alternative media. There seems to be this idea that alt-media even in a niche sport like mma, is somehow more authentic and trustworthy when in reality it is less trustworthy on paper.
There are not the same legal and ethical standards for a dumbass or dumb b-word with a Youtube Channel or a Podcast as there are for a mainstream news organization.
To think this guy was a clown all along! Who knew?

That Scream though.. Cerebral!!!

Poatan looks like he works in the same clinic as this famous doctor

The problem with Nina and the schmo is the fetishization of the alternative media. There seems to be this idea that alt-media even in a niche sport like mma, is somehow more authentic and trustworthy when in reality it is less trustworthy on paper.
There are not the same legal and ethical standards for a dumbass or dumb b-word with a Youtube Channel or a Podcast as there are for a mainstream news organization.
alternative media is at least on paper less committed to hierarchy or maintaining the status quo. MSM is in the government's pocket.
The problem with Nina and the schmo is the fetishization of the alternative media. There seems to be this idea that alt-media even in a niche sport like mma, is somehow more authentic and trustworthy when in reality it is less trustworthy on paper.
There are not the same legal and ethical standards for a dumbass or dumb b-word with a Youtube Channel or a Podcast as there are for a mainstream news organization.

your post is brilliant man
agree 100%
although mainstream mma media is untrusty af as well
i seriously lost respect for her when i saw her crying when strickland won the title.
you havent even known that man a whole year and you doing the most. same with laura sanko too.
sayin strickland a real man for walking down izzy. Cheerleading for men like strickland and dana while having
significant others.

if i had magical powers i would confine both of them
to a lifetime of marriage with strickland .

its like they are trying so hard for approval.
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The problem with Nina and the schmo is the fetishization of the alternative media. There seems to be this idea that alt-media even in a niche sport like mma, is somehow more authentic and trustworthy when in reality it is less trustworthy on paper.
There are not the same legal and ethical standards for a dumbass or dumb b-word with a Youtube Channel or a Podcast as there are for a mainstream news organization.
bro i get you but you are aware of the CORE fanbase and company right....
that style of ALT media and the UFC company/community would fit together like peanut butter and jelly.

But heres the hilarious part. This actually helps the perception that the ufc is about patriotism &
free will
but really everybody UNDER the ufc/dana umbrella in actuality are
under danas dictatorship. in other words DANA/UFC

there was a time where ufc fighters couldnt even have youtube channels without letting Dana know
or i think had to get some type of approval.
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UFC/MMA has become more enjoyable for me when I stopped watching this youtube garbage
Nina Drama is a new low in UFC culture and despite her being somewhat attractive, it just does not sell🙄

I thought the same when I first saw her. I was put off by the tik-tok style 10 second meme clips which I can hardly stand from anyone. You should watch a longer video where she's just shooting the shit with someone like Strickland. She's good, they're fun conversations.
Nina Drama is a new low in UFC culture and despite her being somewhat attractive, it just does not sell🙄

Edit: the Stricktards will come to her rescue...

It shows what UFC really thinks of its fan base, that they can just insert a Jezebel and the fans will accept it because she’s attractive… but are the UFC wrong in saying that? just look how she goes down here. It’s somewhat dystopian as well - having an in house “journalist” that gets fed the latest scoops while actual journalists like Helwani are shunned.

She’s obviously easy on the eyes but is she in the position she’s in on merit? Is it fair? Nope. It’s gross and people should open their eyes and see it for what it is.

She’s a tool to ease pressure on Dana, a link that’s been brought in to make his bullshit decisions more palatable. Remember that meme that was going around where everytime Dana made a stream or video people were commenting asking him to oil himself up or something? You could see after a few streams it was starting to legit piss him off. He hates anything that lowers the decorum of his shady announcements. The next day Nina Drama makes a video titled “if Dana doesn’t do X he’s going to oil himself up” - a covert attempt to bring Dana in on the joke and ease the mockery, and it did
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