International Iran begins attack on Israel, launching dozens of drones that’ll take hours to arrive

We have been itching for many yrs, BiBi and US last shot to blow their load on Iran
Bolton and the Neocons have been itching. I wouldn't say the US, especially Democrats, have been. Trump also has not be particularly eager to attack. Trump and America First is more in keeping with traditional notions of American isolationalism.
Biden gave hundreds of billions to Iran? Really?

As per left leaning Washington post, Biden’s policies, not including the unfreezing of assets (16 billion) have given them tens, if not 100 billion

I actually love how in the article, the facts are there is no evidence Iran funds Hamas and its proxies, lmaooo

Ok, maybe not its proxies, what if it is Iran itself sending drones and missile? Omg!?

Multiple videos of strikes into Tel Aviv and Jerusalem.
As an non-American (pro-American as well) there isn't a more boring thing than hearing americans debate dems vs reps in a foreign armed conflict that really doesn't have anything to do with who you elect or want to elect in your country. US does it's work outside as hegemon based on expertise and services not off of political decisions made by a person.
I hope the US does not get directly involved in this conflict. Israel should take care of themselves.

Israel would collapse over night if they didn't have American support. I doubt America will ever not interfere. It would look bad on America if they did nothing.
I'm not trying to spin it. I think all the innocents who suffered are victims. I don't think either nation / government is.

Yeah we get into a slippery area with that. I highly doubt you'd ever accept a strike on a us target on or @ soil / embassies / pvirivate contractors , even if it was a legitimate target.

The guy they hit was coordinating attacks with proxies. Ok. How many intelligence officers do you think the west has coordinating with proxies?

Do you think a strike at any Western embassy to hit at that target wouldn't be condemned? Instantly and loudly ?

I'm just over the double standards is all. And that's not directed at you. Because I agree with you in regards to who's " to blame. "
Yeah I fully understand that and I would expect America to retaliate in a similar situation. If you've noticed, I have been quite understanding of Iran and its position.

I do think Israel's attack was questionable but I also understand why they did it. Hopefully it doesn't escalate after Iran's response but knowing Israel, I doubt it.
baiting Israel into a strong response
They're not that smart. This is a pathetic "see, we did something" move, and then they tell all their moronic population that they killed millions in their glorious attack. They're a bunch of bums. Don't know why anyone frets over them.
Did Israel target military targets, or did they strike an embassy?

Striking military targets is something an invader does to weaken defenses before advancing. I don't think that's the case here; Iran won't invade Israel.

I have a strong suspicion this will be targeted at political and economic targets, and to be honest, I hope I'm right.

If Iran only attacks military resources, it would signal to me that they intend to invade. If they attack political and economic targets, I think it will be just a tit for tat, and I will sleep better tonight.
They struck and killed an Iranian general that was conducting operations against them. Does that count as a military target for you?

Kind of weird what you're saying here. If youre saying you hope they kill an Israel official, sure i say thats fair game. But economic? You know you are straight up advocating for killing civilians right now? I can assure you that if that happens, this will not be over.
I assume Iran is only striking military targets?