Social Morning Breakfast Routine


Gold Belt
Dec 26, 2017
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How long are you usually up before you eat anything, and what do you eat in the morning? I've been waking up starving for about a week, I don't get it. Usually I just have a large iced coffee in the morning and something small before a big lunch.
I wake up and take a very nice long piss. I drink a glass of water and check my blood glucose. (I started a low carb diet and want to see if I can lower my A-1C a few points. The test is showing me what carbs are good vs spike my sugar) Then I have green tea. Then I make breakfast. Take my supplements and head to the Gym. I am hungry when I wake up and I need fuel before I hit the plates.
Up for half hour or so then make my own ice coffee. Half coffee, half milk, sugar, scoop of protien powder and a ton of ice.
Wake-up, black coffee, workout, and finish with a field berry protein smoothie
Yogurt granola when i wake up. I don't like to eat too heavy first thing in the morning.

Light workout, spend some time out in the sun, get a little work done.

Then second breakfast 3 eggs, toast and tea.

Mornings have been better since I started following this routine.
Protein powder is for curbing your appetite?

Just trying to make sure I get around 100 grams a day because I upped the intensity of my workouts lately. The scoop in the coffee is an easy 25 grams, and the chocolate powder mixes well with the coffee for me.
It's me and it's a hot salt beef, gherkins and English mustard on freshly baked crusty white bread...... It's not on a paper plate and there's no plastic's in a brown paper bag and nobody is asking questions....

I'm the admin on a dark web site..... Called..... Did that salt beef sandwich taste funny to you.......
I work out for about 30 minutes then I eat breakfast. Fruit, oatmeal, eggs, tea, avocado toast, cereal, etc. My girl usually makes a smoothie too. I don't know how so many people don't eat breakfast. It's easily my favorite meal of the day and what I think about to get me out of bed in the morning.
1.) Glass of water
2.) Psyllium fiber with water
3.) Coffee with coconut oil
4.) Breakfast, usually avocado/bacon/egg on a English muffin