Television Wait ... so X-Men's Onslaught was hated by fans?


Brown Belt
May 15, 2022
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So I'm of the opinion newer X-Men reboots are leaning toward introducing Onslaught and researching his background.

I have always thought of Onslaught as the big big bad of the X-Men universe, the culmination of Magneto and Xavier and the only one who could pose as the true arch of the comics. Now I look into it, it seems fans actually didn't really care for him as a character. They thought he was formulaic and just kind of pointless. I always loved the idea of the chacter but I guess I can see what they mean. His trope was pretty characterless outside of ''I am hugely over powered and crush everything,'' His design is essentially Magneto on horse meat.

So what is this, did I just get roped into the hype and his arch really isn't that interesting. I mean if I broke it down Apocalypse' back story is pretty lame as well. Magneto is the only consistent villain but that's often debatable and his powers are pretty tame. I always thought of Xavier being the final villain as pretty epic.

Fans are currently getting excited about Cassandra Nova being the X-Men 97 arch but I have never heard of her and tbh her design and backstory looks like shit.

So I'm of the opinion newer X-Men reboots are leaning toward introducing Onslaught and researching his background.

I have always thought of Onslaught as the big big bad of the X-Men universe, the culmination of Magneto and Xavier and the only one who could pose as the true arch of the comics. Now I look into it, it seems fans actually didn't really care for him as a character. They thought he was formulaic and just kind of pointless. I always loved the idea of the chacter but I guess I can see what they mean. His trope was pretty characterless outside of ''I am hugely over powered and crush everything,'' His design is essentially Magneto on horse meat.

So what is this, did I just get roped into the hype and his arch really isn't that interesting. I mean if I broke it down Apocalypse' back story is pretty lame as well. Magneto is the only consistent villain but that's often debatable and his powers are pretty tame. I always thought of Xavier being the final villain as pretty epic.

Fans are currently getting excited about Cassandra Nova being the X-Men 97 arch but I have never heard of her and tbh her design and backstory looks like shit.

Onslaught was cool. The epitome of 90s villain
Wasn't the Onslaught series kind of an alternate universe thing?

Never heard of Cassandra WhateverHerNameIs.
Magneto is the only consistent villain but that's often debatable and his powers are pretty tame.

Lol what? He could solo most of the Avengers. Iron Man's suit is made of metal. Vision is made of metal. Cap's shield is made of metal. Tchalla's suit is laced with metal. Thor's hammer is made of metal. Avengers Age of Ultron would have been a cakewalk for Magneto. Thanos with his metal infinity gauntlet?
Red Onslaught was cooler.

Red Skull steals the powers of Professor X and turns Genosha into a giant concentration camp for Mutants.

As one might expect, Magneto is rather annoyed about this. He ends up beating Red Skull to a pulp before caving his head in with a chunk of concrete(Eric was a Mossad agent, and doesn't need his vast Powers to kill someone).

Unfortunately, this releases the Red Onslaught: Xavier and Magneto's powers in a giant body, controlled by Schmidt. Eventually, it takes most of the major Heroes and Villains to defeat him, but with serious side-effects - a magic spell cast by Scarlet Witch and Doctor Doom ends up inverting the morality of everyone involved. So the, "Heroes" become bad guys and vice-versa.
I remember reading the final issue decades ago (where the heroes sacrificed themselves) and thinking how cool it'd be if this was made into a live action movie. Hopefully MCU makes my wish come true!
Yes, I hated Onslaught.
Xavier secretly being an evil villain with ill-defined physical abilities that equal his mental ones. And why do his telepathic powers seem to grow exponentially if he's the bad guy.
They did Xavier as a baddie before, and it sucked then too.

Cassandra Nova is a twist on the same theme (I wasn't a fan). From the wiki

"She grew with her brother until she had fully formed hands and eyes, when she decided to try to kill Charles by attempting to strangle him with his own umbilical cord. Charles defended himself by hitting her with a psychic blast,[2] which caused his mother to have a miscarriage, resulting in her physical body being stillborn.[3]"
Lol what? He could solo most of the Avengers. Iron Man's suit is made of metal. Vision is made of metal. Cap's shield is made of metal. Tchalla's suit is laced with metal. Thor's hammer is made of metal. Avengers Age of Ultron would have been a cakewalk for Magneto. Thanos with his metal infinity gauntlet?
relative to other characters ... I mean you got Phoenix, Apocalypse, Onslaught. Magneto is such a 60-70s villain. I've always thought of it as such an oddly specific power for the main villain to have, and he tends to not display that big bad threat the others display.
Yes, I hated Onslaught.
Xavier secretly being an evil villain with ill-defined physical abilities that equal his mental ones. And why do his telepathic powers seem to grow exponentially if he's the bad guy.
They did Xavier as a baddie before, and it sucked then too.
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Cassandra Nova is a twist on the same theme (I wasn't a fan). From the wiki

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"She grew with her brother until she had fully formed hands and eyes, when she decided to try to kill Charles by attempting to strangle him with his own umbilical cord. Charles defended himself by hitting her with a psychic blast,[2] which caused his mother to have a miscarriage, resulting in her physical body being stillborn.[3]"
CN feels like such a lame villain. I hope they don't do it but from what I see the plot of X-Men 97 is leaning on her plot points. I see fan boys online getting excited for it as if it was supposed to mean something to me. I don't really follow the comics but I have some understanding of the vilains. I have never heard of her and she doesn't seem to really stand out.

tbh reintroducing Master Mold was pretty lame as well.
relative to other characters ... I mean you got Phoenix, Apocalypse, Onslaught. Magneto is such a 60-70s villain. I've always thought of it as such an oddly specific power for the main villain to have, and he tends to not display that big bad threat the others display.

He's the primary nemesis of the X-Men, it's just familiarity. He's insanely powerful and there's a lot he can do with it. The biggest thing holding him back is that he's not a full on villain.
relative to other characters ... I mean you got Phoenix, Apocalypse, Onslaught. Magneto is such a 60-70s villain. I've always thought of it as such an oddly specific power for the main villain to have, and he tends to not display that big bad threat the others display.

Magneto has full control over the entire Electromagnetic Spectrum, which is one of the four Fundamental Forces of the Universe. He's an Omega Class Mutant.

In the OG Secret Wars, the Beyonder splits everyone into two teams: Heroes and Villians. Magneto is put ont he Hero team and apart from the X Men, the rest of the heroes are not happy about that. Magneto retorts that they're lucky he's on their side, as in terms of raw power, the only other Hero on his level is Thor.

Notablly, none of the other Heroes, including Thor himself, dispute this.
I'm just waiting on Marvel to bring in Stryfe as the next main villain
The issue wasn't with the character it was with the writing. I read the Onslaught saga not too long ago and his powers, motivations, and goals seem to change issue to issue. It's odd because in the Omnibus edition I read there's a section at the end that shows the original draft outlines for the saga and all of those things are much more clearly outlined. Editorial in late 90s X-Men books was a complete shit show
He sucked because Xavier is part of the X Men. So them having to fight some version of him is annoying. You want someone who can challenge Xavier not merge with him
I know nothing of "Onslaught" and kinda remember Cassandra Nova..actually no I dont.

I want Apocalypse. Cant believe they really attempted that shit.

I remember seeing a magazine cover and thought, this is a parody, fucking way.
I feel like he had a lot of untapped potential. Could have been a long running Thanos-level villain. Instead, he starts off super strong and then just kind of peters out, from what I remember.
Wasn't the Onslaught series kind of an alternate universe thing?

Never heard of Cassandra WhateverHerNameIs.

You're probably thinking of back in the 90s when Marvel outsourced out the Avengers (remember this isn't like now with the MCU now, the Avenger's were B-list compared to X-Men and Spider-Man), Hulk, and Fantastic Four to Jim Lee and Rob Liefield over at Image Comics for a year but didn't want continuity issues and constraints.

They springboarded that in story by having them seemingly sacrifice themselves in the Onslaught fight but really being moved to an alternate unvierse.