Social Kathy Hochul New York governor "Blacks" don't know what a computer is


Platinum Member
May 27, 2009
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Another Democrat just like Joe Biden did a few years ago talks about how blacks don't know what a computer is. Can't stop the racism from flowing, there is a long list of things people like that think with what black people can't do, like afford voter ID's. but the strategy of gas lighting a race and making it seem like voting for you is the only way to help themselves is working, so why change it.

"New York governor regrets saying Black kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer is"​

“Right now, we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word computer is. They don’t know, they don’t know these things,” Hochul said while on stage at the Milken Institute Global Conference.

The remark was not addressed during the interview and the governor went on to explain that her goal is to provide avenues for communities of color to access emerging artificial intelligence technologies as a means to address social inequality.

Still, the comment drew immediate criticism from some political leaders in New York, including state Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo, a Bronx Democrat, who said the remark was “harmful, deeply misinformed, and genuinely appalling.”

In a statement later Monday, Hochul said “I misspoke and I regret it.”

Next she will say if you don't vote for her "you ain't black"

People were quick with the edits.

So many stories like this lately.
Unless she meant to say AI and blanked and said computer (decently likely), not really sure what she was trying to get across.
Also fun that they all say the blacks can't get IDs, and not a single one of them has proposed any rule to make banks open an account without ID, drive a car or board an airplane without an ID, or enter a government building without an ID, or pick up a prescription at a pharmacy without an ID or rent a house. They don't even attempt to help any these imaginary black people who can't ID to participate in society in any other way, but we'll sure as hell clear the path for you to vote and then send you back to your tent and pretend to care again in 4 years.
I mean the Bronx is short yellow bus of NYC, but they've heard of computers and majority have access to them. If she meant AI, she's so out of her depth in terms of knowledge on the subject that it's just empty politicking

But this is just liberal ultra pandering phrased in a way that is beyond stupid.
Also fun that they all say the blacks can't get IDs, and not a single one of them has proposed any rule to make banks open an account without ID, drive a car or board an airplane without an ID, or enter a government building without an ID, or pick up a prescription at a pharmacy without an ID or rent a house. They don't even attempt to help any these imaginary black people who can't ID to participate in society in any other way, but we'll sure as hell clear the path for you to vote and then send you back to your tent and pretend to care again in 4 years.

Are these fundamental rights, you putz ?
Also fun that they all say the blacks can't get IDs, and not a single one of them has proposed any rule to make banks open an account without ID, drive a car or board an airplane without an ID, or enter a government building without an ID, or pick up a prescription at a pharmacy without an ID or rent a house. They don't even attempt to help any these imaginary black people who can't ID to participate in society in any other way, but we'll sure as hell clear the path for you to vote and then send you back to your tent and pretend to care again in 4 years.
Amazing some go out of their way to provide all that to illegals who are owed those things but not citizens.
Are these fundamental rights, you putz ?
Lol, you think the democrat party don't propose any laws or regulations beyond enumerated rights found in the constitution? How dumb are you?

Ok, let's pretend your comically stupid statement was true. Gun ownership is a constitutional right, so can you point to the proposed legislation from democrats for people to exercise that right without an ID?
Another Democrat just like Joe Biden did a few years ago talks about how blacks don't know what a computer is. Can't stop the racism from flowing, there is a long list of things people like that think with what black people can't do, like afford voter ID's. but the strategy of gas lighting a race and making it seem like voting for you is the only way to help themselves is working, so why change it.

"New York governor regrets saying Black kids in the Bronx don’t know what a computer is"​

“Right now, we have young Black kids growing up in the Bronx who don’t even know what the word computer is. They don’t know, they don’t know these things,” Hochul said while on stage at the Milken Institute Global Conference.

The remark was not addressed during the interview and the governor went on to explain that her goal is to provide avenues for communities of color to access emerging artificial intelligence technologies as a means to address social inequality.

Still, the comment drew immediate criticism from some political leaders in New York, including state Assemblywoman Amanda Septimo, a Bronx Democrat, who said the remark was “harmful, deeply misinformed, and genuinely appalling.”

In a statement later Monday, Hochul said “I misspoke and I regret it.”

Next she will say if you don't vote for her "you ain't black"

People were quick with the edits.

That makes sense, they also think they can't get ID to vote.