What do you think about Italy and Italian people?

I agree they do seem to fit in very well, but they do also seem to retain many of their old customs at the same time.

But maybe its just because you are around my age (pure guess) and we never saw the hate they got when they first started arriving.

Well yeah i'm 33 so they were well established when I went to school. And they do keep their old customs (as they should for sure) but they seem to get more involved into Aussie culture (Greeks as well).

And no doubt they copped heaps of shit when they got here, but I reckon a big reason they managed to become a part of our culture is they seem to participate a lot in our sports like Aussie Rules and cricket. We've got so many Asians in Australia but when do you see any playing cricket or footy?
are they even italian lol?

Someone on sherdog mentioned something interesting. That a lot of Italian Americans relatives who immigrated to the US were actually not Italians but gypsies who had been residing in Italy and registered themselves as Italian once they got here.
I'm 50% Italian. Took a trip through Europe and spent 2 weeks in Italy. In my opinion.... They're the slimiest, dirtiest, opportunist, of the countries I visited. Rampant pickpocketing, and people looking to get over are abundant.

I took a train from Milan into Switzerland and it was like going from darkness into light. The Swiss run a tight ship
FRANKIE 総統;98942009 said:
I think most groups in America are guilty of this lately. I dated an Irish American woman that constantly talked about Irish and Ireland, given her family had been in the US for at least a three generations. My brother does it with Africa, and I constantly tell him that Africa isn't a country. On Italians, there's a few on west coast, never had a real issues with them, seem like nice, warm people.

Yeah that drives me nuts. I know this dude who just looks like a regular white guy but I guess his great great grandfather came over from Turkey. Doesn't mean he was Turkish. It just means he migrated from Turkey to the US 100 years ago or whenever.

This guy acts like he's right off the boat Turkish. I'm going to laugh if he ever does one of those DNA things and finds out he's not even a hint of Turkish. Dudes going to go most his life representing the wrong country.
I like italians. As a Spaniard i like the other Mediterranean people in general. Lot of similarities makes it easy to relate to one another imo.

and i mean real italians not jersey shore italians
I dated an Italian girl.

Awesome in bed and an amazing rack, but those were her only redeeming qualities. I was with her for 2 years for those 2 reasons lol.

Waaay too much drama and just a headache in general.
I feel like I'm one of the few Americans that call themselves Americans.

My grandparents immigrated form Sicily. My mom and pops were born here as I was. I have dark hair (grey as well) and a non white complexion....many times, mostly at parties, people ask me what I am...I tell them American, born and raised...then they'll usually say "no, no, I mean your ancestors...heck, that even happened in boot camp back in 79
Yeah that drives me nuts. I know this dude who just looks like a regular white guy but I guess his great great grandfather came over from Turkey. Doesn't mean he was Turkish. It just means he migrated from Turkey to the US 100 years ago or whenever.

This guy acts like he's right off the boat Turkish. I'm going to laugh if he ever does one of those DNA things and finds out he's not even a hint of Turkish. Dudes going to go most his life representing the wrong country.

I think a lot of people want to feel, or look unique in this country; so they dig back into their ancestors and fully represent wherever their people are from, even if they're completely detached by generations of living here and know none of the language or customs.
I feel like I'm one of the few Americans that call themselves Americans.

I'm the same way. My brother uses it as an insult, but my family has been here at least since the 1700's, what else am I gonna be?
Italians are just like every other large group of people out there. There are some fantastic ones, and there are others that are complete scum. Italy is a very beautiful country, but economically, they are making things difficult for a lot of others in the EU. There's good and there's bad, just like everything else.
Luv 'em. Had a great time when I was there, but then I was young and handsome.
ok here goes..

Uomini africani di fianco alla strada che' vendono merda a poco prezzo


Oh, la stessa della citt
Rome is one of my favourite places in the world. Their economy is in the tank so lots of their hotties are here.