UFC 203 PBP/discussion

Sorry to hear the loss but been their many times myself, everyone has given excellent advice here, like many have said its a not a sprint but a marathon, have to try and look at the long term here.

I had to make many adjustments, lowering my stake or ignoring fights and simply waiting for a better card or better fight, doing my best to not chase (although very hard to do), you need that right mind set of being the turtle, you may take hours to get to the finish line but you will get there and win, while ignoring the rabbit.

I say to ignore the rabbit since its easy as blokes to see other people hitting crazy winning numbers around here and lets face it we all want a piece of that, but one has to be happy for them instead, its not a competition remember your end game is to be successful long term.

Keeping a separate bank account and managing bank roll is key, something mentioned above so almost think of it as money you are almost willing to lose, try not to dip into your savings or wages, don't quit that day or part time job either its an guaranteed steady income to pay bills. Separating these will help you keep more disciplined in your approach. I also regularly withdraw money every month usually one or two units, so if I lose a big amount its almost been covered through regular withdrawals and I don't dip into that so my savings or regular bank acc remains in the +.

UK bookies have a motto, loath it but its true 'when the fun stops, stop' easier said then done and I bet most of us ignore it with the chase.


Again not suggesting to stop, and hey you made 40K in your b365 account? So somewhere you had great success, did you argue and get your money back from them? there have been reports of bookies blocking large withdrawals before, you can post here for further advice.

try this also:
I bet on Olympic boxing fights. Warui vs Argilous. They said I bet on “wrong odds”


UK bettors,help me...bet365 refused my $40k withdrawal last month. They said I bet on "wrong odds". What's a joke...I bet on Olymoic boxing fights: Warui vs Argalious. I used "cash out function" and I won tons of money. But they refused to pay me...My English is so poor and I am not able to communicate with IBAS. What can I do? I need help...
@Ukram @EzFlyer @Sham5916910 @wack3d @rille31


UK bettors,help me...bet365 refused my $40k withdrawal last month. They said I bet on "wrong odds". What's a joke...I bet on Olymoic boxing fights: Warui vs Argalious. I used "cash out function" and I won tons of money. But they refused to pay me...My English is so poor and I am not able to communicate with IBAS. What can I do? I need help...
@Ukram @EzFlyer @Sham5916910 @wack3d @rille31
hmm is bet365 allowed in china? the odds look right to me looking at proboxingodds
Olympic boxing,not pro boxing. Warui lost the fight but at live betting he was -2000 favourite for some seconds

Guessing you cashed out on a flipped line, they meant the Cuban to be the -2000 favourite at the time. It's a tricky one. Bookmakers have T&Cs that allow them to cancel flipped line bets placed pre-match but not sure about in-play bets. Or, in this case, in-play cash-outs.
Guessing you cashed out on a flipped line, they meant the Cuban to be the -2000 favourite at the time. It's a tricky one. Bookmakers have T&Cs that allow them to cancel flipped line bets placed pre-match but not sure about in-play bets. Or, in this case, in-play cash-outs.
No. Bookies thought Warui won the first two rounds so Warui was -2000 at third round for several seconds…maybe one minute LOL
I want to chase $40k which 365 refused to pay me so I lost $9000 last week !
The internet in China sucks. One of the worst parts of living here.
The internet in China sucks. One of the worst parts of living here.
I 've bought VPN so I can use sherdog,YouTube,Facebook and so on. Chinese can watch UFC Live for free from fight pass card to main card. But I agree with u China's Internet is shit
Grats buddy. I didnt bet rivera itd tho i had him straight and dec. Round 3 i thought it was over with the poke! Thank fuck rivera fought on blind

3-4hrs sleep and I write itd lol

meant su and decision, think many had him su and decision at that point, sad to hear about his eye though !


UK bettors,help me...bet365 refused my $40k withdrawal last month. They said I bet on "wrong odds". What's a joke...I bet on Olymoic boxing fights: Warui vs Argalious. I used "cash out function" and I won tons of money. But they refused to pay me...My English is so poor and I am not able to communicate with IBAS. What can I do? I need help...
@Ukram @EzFlyer @Sham5916910 @wack3d @rille31

As others have said its a tough one bet365 and other bookies have so many TnCs to hide behind or block payments but its always worth trying, not ever done it myself but I read others with similar issues who posted on sportsbookreview site and they mentioned you can attempt to get a bit more info or help by filling in this form:


Its not a guarantee you will get your funds back but worth a try to see what they say.

If you have had any discussions with them via live chat always copy and paste it or send a copy to your email as proof or record phone calls etc, I think the main point is to find out what exact term and condition or rule they are hiding behind but sportsbookreview are meant to be professional and know better then myself so attempt to get help from them with the above link.
As others have said its a tough one bet365 and other bookies have so many TnCs to hide behind or block payments but its always worth trying, not ever done it myself but I read others with similar issues who posted on sportsbookreview site and they mentioned you can attempt to get a bit more info or help by filling in this form:


Its not a guarantee you will get your funds back but worth a try to see what they say.

If you have had any discussions with them via live chat always copy and paste it or send a copy to your email as proof or record phone calls etc, I think the main point is to find out what exact term and condition or rule they are hiding behind but sportsbookreview are meant to be professional and know better then myself so attempt to get help from them with the above link.
Thank you bro. I 've already sent relevant information to sportsbookreview except the Email between me and bet365 because all the Emails are via Chinese

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