STRELKA / STREET BEEFS / Online Street Fight League megathread

No, if you can find it, post it. Their main channel has Close Captioning, now, in like 9 different languages.

Whoever is running this organization is a legit businessman. From the talent to the quality of the video to the organization of the fights on-site to the upload volume/'s top notch.

This one below but it says top dog, not sure if its different company

This one below but it says top dog, not sure if its different company

Top Dog is a different channel. Not sure if there is an relation between the companies/ownership.

Yeah, I actually do remember this one. Didn't realize it was him. I agreed with the YouTubers. The dude in blue showed more class and sportsmanship. I don't blame fighters for a killer instinct, but he was clearly angry, and was swinging at the dude after he was downed, and recklessly to the back of the head.
This one's quick.

More of the Muslim Chechnyan: Zelemkhan "Machine-Gunner" Dukaev. We actually have a page for this guy though he has no fights yet that our FF tracks:

This Sun article ran a sensationalist headline. Nevertheless, obviously it's dirt cheap to get high-end professional level talent over there in Russia which is exactly why channels like Strelka and Top Dog are possible. They would cost a fortune over here.
Inside Russia’s brutal and bloody bareknuckle boxing world as fighters put their lives on the line for just £10,000
This one below but it says top dog, not sure if its different company

Looks like these two fought a rematch. They are both mentioned in the above Sun article. His opponent's name, once anglicized, is Yevgeny "Sailor" Kurdanov (the first name may be alternatively spelled "Evgeny"). Timestamped:

One more. His opponent even smiles and bumps fist after he fakes the level-change feint setup he uses to get nervous fighters to drop their hands so he can KO them (like he did this guy in a previously posted video):

Wow, guys look interesting, I think I know that today I will be watching and smoking a hookah.

Some familiar faces. This is the first I've personally seen the tag team format. Iraqi Assassin officiating.
Decisive outcome from the Scrapyard.

Inside Russia’s brutal and bloody bareknuckle boxing world as fighters put their lives on the line for just £10,000
UFC and Bellator:

Notice how everyone swoops in with their camera to the loser?
This has been posted like 3 times in the past year at least. Bipolar Bobby is a can.
The olympian is shit, tapped to 50 year old El Diablo in MMA which Diablo had never done before lmao.
