International Pentagon UFO Report


Blue Belt
Sep 18, 2016
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Today the Pentagon released their UAP/UFO report, analyzing 144 instances of UAP sightings by military personnel. 143 of those are unexplainable, in page 5 the report states:

“And a Handful of UAP Appear to Demonstrate Advanced Technology In 18 incidents, described in 21 reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics.

Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings”

Given the defunct state of the Russian economy, I don’t see how they could’ve been funneling countless billions into this kind of technology without someone in US intelligence noticing. In my estimation there are two likely explanations: China or ETs.

I laughed a little when I read about the Israeli space directorate members claiming trump was making a secret treaty with ETs though. Good ol’ Israel, sewing misinformation and discord as usual

Copy of the declassified report:

Israeli space directorate bloviating:

Pentagon won't rule out aliens in long-awaited UFO report

Today the Pentagon released their UAP/UFO report, analyzing 144 instances of UAP sightings by military personnel. 143 of those are unexplainable, in page 5 the report states:

“And a Handful of UAP Appear to Demonstrate Advanced Technology In 18 incidents, described in 21 reports, observers reported unusual UAP movement patterns or flight characteristics.

Some UAP appeared to remain stationary in winds aloft, move against the wind, maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernable means of propulsion. In a small number of cases, military aircraft systems processed radio frequency (RF) energy associated with UAP sightings”

Given the defunct state of the Russian economy, I don’t see how they could’ve been funneling countless billions into this kind of technology without someone in US intelligence noticing. In my estimation there are two likely explanations: China or ETs.

I laughed a little when I read about the Israeli space directorate members claiming trump was making a secret treaty with ETs though. Good ol’ Israel, sewing misinformation and discord as usual

Copy of the declassified report:

Israeli space directorate bloviating:

Pentagon won't rule out aliens in long-awaited UFO report

No way China, they can't even build a reliable competetive jet engine for their fighters, despite reverse engineering and ripping off Russian engine technology.

My 2 hunches:

Secret US program . The US government wants to attack enemies and not be accused of the attack.

Hope it's Aliens.
Why would we spend X billions on the F-35 program if we had these….. that’s a very very very expensive smokescreen. The most expensive aviation program in history actually.

That's simple, if one were to malfunction or be shot down, our technology could be reverse engineered.

It's our US Navy. Google the patents of US Navy/Dr Salvatore Pais.
Why would we spend X billions on the F-35 program if we had these….. that’s a very very very expensive smokescreen. The most expensive aviation program in history actually.
Because we will still need conventional planes for conventional war.

But we also have some super secret weapon, just in case.

Aliens are real.....The government is scheming here, not sure what but they are scheming.
The psyops angle is growing on me

Think of the things we made in the 50's-70's. This was being developed in 1960 and was in use 6 years later.

Only saw one former...err..."military dude" comment on this. He's some pilot who was one of the first to make such a report(can't remember his name). He seems to be leaning towards some sort of Earthly phenomenon. Like these things have always been here, but we've only just recently(within the past century), been able to detect them in some kind of scientific way.

I guess that's a stronger bet than aliens visiting us from galaxies away for some reason.