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  1. Midnighter

    Army Vet Mauled by Grizzly Bear While on His Honeymoon

    Woulda pieced that bear up, but that's just me.
  2. Midnighter

    Kendrick Lamar v Drake beef

    2pac's mom was a crack addict. He did not grow up in a good home lol
  3. Midnighter

    Brad Pitt or Alain Delon - Who is better looking in their primes?

    Lol what'd he get banned for?
  4. Midnighter

    Anyone use Finasteride for hair loss? Side effects?

    I just buzzed my head. Fuck using finasteride.
  5. Midnighter

    Unpopular opinion: 2nd half of Tarantino's career is better than the first half

    Yea, unpopular opinion because it's a bad one.
  6. Midnighter

    Is Dune worth reading?

    I only read the first one, but I liked it. Series ended like 30 years ago. The main series, at least.
  7. Midnighter

    You can barely talk to doctors anymore

    Blame hospital boards/admins. Most doctors want to actually help, but are basically forced to get people in and out as fast as possible.
  8. Midnighter

    Social Is it homophobic to find two men kissing or having sex in movies off-putting?

    It's just a little awkward because you can't jerk off in movie theaters.
  9. Midnighter

    3rd day of anxiety attacks

    Ignore it.
  10. Midnighter

    Social Joe Rogan’s Awkward Interview with The Rock…

    You clearly don't know anything about The Rock, so let me clue you in, smart guy. Ever since he was a little boy he wanted to work for the Yakuza, even if it just meant throwing fights for them.
  11. Midnighter

    What's the most amazing animal?

    Humans Edit: oh besides human, probably Sasquatchs then
  12. Midnighter

    Gen-Z loses more money to scams than any other age group

    It's because it's harder to be financially stable now as a young adult than it has been in decades, and desperate people are easy to take advantage of. I love scamming these kids.
  13. Midnighter

    Social Would you rather be balding but fit or overweight with a full head of hair?

    I'd rather be most other things than fat.
  14. Midnighter

    Social Do you remember having a quarter life crisis?

    I've been in constant crisis since high school.
  15. Midnighter

    I beat up my best buddy badly

    I need to see how clean the combo was before I pass any judgement.
  16. Midnighter

    News Grizzly kills 2 people in Banff

    Woulda beat that bear's ass, but that's just me.
  17. Midnighter

    Social A girl called me a creep! Lol

    She's a good judge of character.