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  1. Lubaolong

    Social Gays can now donate blood!

    What science are you referring to, your homophobe bro science? HIV prevalence is averages, not individuals. Not all gay men have HIV. If you want a ban on gay men donating due to a higher prevalence of HIV, why are you silent on low-income donors, blacks, Hispanics, and other groups who...
  2. Lubaolong

    Social Gays can now donate blood!

    You mean you rather get blood from a gay couple who’ve been in a monogamous marriage for the last 10 years than a donation from a straight guy involved in high risk sexual behavior?
  3. Lubaolong

    Social Gays can now donate blood!

    Risk-based assessments definitely make more sense than banning people solely based on their sexual orientation.
  4. Lubaolong

    Social Transgender Megathread Vol. 2

    Didn’t know he was ever remotely famous. I’ve played an online game together with him and his husband Hale a handful of times. Showed him a cover my kid did of one of his sisters songs. Hale said I was cute. :)
  5. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Obviously, he thinks if some 75yo+ doctor who has spent much of his career in administrative roles said something about serotonin in a magazine interview 25 years ago, somehow that discredits the field. I dunno.
  6. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    As I said, there may have been people who believed this 60-70 years ago. Pharmaceutical companies may have promoted this belief to the general public. There may be some old doctors who made incorrect or overly simplified statements about neurotransmitters in public comments. But I’ve never heard...
  7. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    After spending 20 minutes sifting through anti psychiatry websites, I finally found this brochure you reference. Sounds pretty noncommittal. Interestingly, the brochure also says Who designed this brochure then? I personally created educational brochures for patients that were...
  8. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Looks weak as fuck, as I expected. The evidence from this article, This is not an endorsement of a “chemical imbalance.” It’s simply stating a fact. By whatever biological mechanisms, antidepressants are effective in many patients with severe depression.
  9. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Any individual crackpot can say anything. I’m telling you I’ve never been taught or heard (outside laymen conversation) that depression is caused by a lack of serotonin. I’ve never met a single psychiatrist who holds this belief. This seems like a hypothesis from the 50s or 60s that the...
  10. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Should be easy to refute then. I’ll wait. Are you saying people who graduate med school are not doctors? Interesting.
  11. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    A non story.
  12. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Being lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning is consider part of a normal spectrum of human diversity and not mental illness. This has been the position of major professional organizations for decades. Almost all diagnoses in the DSM require significant distress or impairment as...
  13. Lubaolong

    Social Transgender Megathread Vol. 2

    I thought that was Frankie Grande. Looks very similar.
  14. Lubaolong

    Would YOU eat this salmon?

    I’d eat it but looks overcooked.
  15. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    You talk like there is no research about risk assessment, role of mental illness in mass murders, the motivations behind school shooters, etc. Most mental illnesses do not increase the risk for violence. While there is a modest increase for severe mental illness, there are other risk factors...
  16. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Incidental. A large number of people take antidepressants. 25% of elderly ladies are on antidepressants. It’s not a significant risk factor for violence. You don’t shoot up a school because you have anxiety. There are other risk factors much worthier of attention.
  17. Lubaolong

    Social Lawyers, military, police, politicians

    Seems AI could probably replace a lot of lawyer work in the future.
  18. Lubaolong

    Opinion A mental health crisis?

    Severe psychiatric illness is involved in around 5% of mass shootings. Not sure why people always think bad behavior = mental illness.
  19. Lubaolong

    Social I'll write/record you a song!

    Don’t forget a song about Sherdog’s smartest, most successful, and highest earning poster, Dr Lubaolong.