Anyone ever take SARMS?

You will gain more muscle with less effort using, while being able to eat more calories (and of poorer quality) than you would have naturally true, but the range of sides and damage to health often just isn't worth it.

Gaining and maintaining a good physique should be a life long process where you really enjoy the training. If you don't enjoy working out hard and often then making it easier via peds only will delay the inevitable cessation of the unenjoyable activity.

I do like working out and I do enjoy eating healthy. My issue has always been I don´t go hard enough in the gym for sustained amounts of time over the course of a year or years, and my interests in the past for partying or moving nations etc and other things took priority such that as long as I wasent fat I was okay slacking at the gym or missing days. I just always maintained a good diet. I could say my main flaw now is it is annoying to think about the amount of time it will take for while I am skinnyish now, I know even with 6 months of proper training and dieting the results wont be that amazing.
Yes and No.
Clomid is a legal substance but in most countries it requires a prescription (acquiring clomid without a prescription would be illegal).

Agreed. Go all the way or go home (if your going to start screwing with your hormones then just go all for it, raise your hormone levels to a doctor controlled level and get routine blood work)

If your looking at seriously doing performance enhancing drugs then natural production probably isn't an issue (lets be real). Most people on TRT that want to keep some of there natural production (especially if you want kids) will also have the doctor prescribe them HCG which they take with the TRT

100%. If you’re looking into PEDs or testosterone then you either

1. aren’t satisfied with your natural test production so in that case who even cares about it

2. are looking to grow muscle beyond your body’s natural potential

Not judging in either case, but if you’re content with your natural levels and aren’t looking at either of the above two scenarios…stay off of any PEDs.
It works but there is very little quality control. Research papers have been iffy. I had two different experiences with it. One was positive a few years ago and the other recently where I stopped early. I am not sure it was the SARMS since I used two different companies but I was experiencing a bout of shingles. I stopped for a few months and tried to go back. I felt the patch of area where the shingles were located feel off. I stopped and those effects stopped. It might be just me or the product. I rather not deal with it. I still have a bottle right next to me by the computer.

The first time I used it a few years back. I had no issues. I always kept the doses on the low side and it worked. What I mean by that was that I rarely lift heavy and box at the same time. The new gym I was at had this shitty meathead mentality of lifting very heavy before the actual training. I powerlift at a slow pace and I hate being rushed or when forced to do it like cardio complex. With that particular SARM, I was able to break PRs without actually training for it. Recovery was decent. It's not traditional anabolic steroids though. I was disgustingly strong on steroids when I didn't even know how to train properly. I think I am done with PEDs. I don't compete anymore and it's stupid to do it to style on other people at the gym.
They sell mk677 at the supplement store I go to but I have no interest in spiking my androgen receptor level like that. Sounds great in theory, but you'll experience the same issues as you would from going straight to roids.

MK677 is a ghrelin mimetic/growth hormone secretagogue. Has nothing to do with androgens, it's not even a sarm so there's really no natural test suppression that should be taking place. The only way it would have any effect on things like gyno or libido would be if you started producing too much prolactin due to its antagonistic effects on your pituitary gland.

I took it for 3 months. The main negative side effect was some water retention and constant hunger. Lots of positives though like improvements to my hair/skin, improved recovery, deeper sleep, increased sense of wellbeing, and considerably better digestion. It was a good experiment and I enjoyed taking it but I don't think it was really worth the price.

You're probably thinking of MK-2866 aka Ostarine.
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It was a good experiment and I enjoyed taking it but I don't think it was really worth the price.
Well that's the other thing too.. I think the store sold it for like $80 a bottle, which seemed to be bit overpriced all things considered.
Nah, I’m still natty, only take turkesterone, fadogia, and tongkat ali.

If I was gonna take something stronger I’d probably go with exonegous test and a bit of extra anabolics.

But I’m not in a rush at 32.

Huberman? (fadogia)
First time I've heard about fadogia was on his podcast.