"Avalean" Weight Cutting Supplement

Chris Beeby

Brown Belt
Professional Fighter
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Coach of a brother gym that got me on the fight card I have my first fight on (in 2 weeks) mentioned a weight cutting supplement.

It's called "Avalean" (no idea how to spell it) and supposedly you put it on your skin and it can lose you about 3 pounds of water weight. I was planning on doing a traditional cut, but was looking for some information on this stuff, never heard of it before.

For anyone curious, I weigh about 160 (170+ w/o strict diet) and am weighing in at 155 same day for my fight.
Personally, i think if you have no problems making the cut that you do, stick with that instead of doing something you haven't tested before.
Sounds like a terribly bad idea to try right before your first fight. Even if it does nothing truly physically adverse, you might not like the "feel," and that would screw with you mentally.

Also, I googled and turned up nothing.
It's Albolene your looking for mate, pretty big on the UK fight seen for quick and easy way of cutting a few pounds.

Never used it myself, as I fight same day and therefore diet down with no cut. However, I have a few team mates who love the stuff. As far as I'm aware you lather it all over your body (no homo) and it makes you sweat insanely!

Hope that helps!
Thanks guys. I don't plan on using it, as the normal cut is what I am prepared for and what I was expecting.

My main concern with the stuff is where the sweat would even come from.