Back to the future 4

The move is to have Holland as Marty McFly JR and keep Micheal J Fox as Marty SR. With AI and CGI Marty SR can have lots of scenes in the past. I think going back to the early mid-90's and 2050's-60's would be awesome. I believe Christopher Lloyd and Micheal J Fox would be down for this! In some ways they would just providing voices for different versions of themselves. Sign me up for the next Trilogy!!! Great Scott!
I sure would like to see part 4, if just to see Chrisopher Lloyd as Doc Emmett Brown one last time.

Even if that meant Stotz standing in for Fox if he wasn't up for it.
Back To The Future is the one trilogy that straight up ended, and thank God modern Hollywood hasn't resurrected it only to kill it again with endless sequels, prequels, or reboots.

Fans of every other franchise -
