Best non dairy protein?

If veganism works for you guys, great. Soy kills me and I don't feel great on legumes in general. I figured this out through experimentation on aip diet. The next best option for me is to raise my own animals for meat, which I'm just starting to do, and give them the highest quality life style and the most humane death I possibly can. I love every one of them, even the jerks. Butchered my first chicken a week or so ago and it hurt my soul to do it, unlike buying meat from a store, but that rooster had a better life and easier death than animals commercially raised where their comfort and happiness takes a back seat toprofits and efficiency.
i have always said that anyone doing what you are doing, or hunting and fishing, while entirely avoiding factory farmed/fished animals, is doing the right thing. For me, it isnt about being vegan (in fact, i dont like being lumped in with the purple hairs) its about shutting down a massive and brutal system that is another example of a nightmare of modernity - as it didnt exist for humans previous to 100 years ago (right close to when everything started going for a shit, imo)

So, thats good to hear. Good luck with it, i know a load of hunters and also people who raise chickens - most of them report heavy emotion when they have to kill. If this wasn’t intentionally hidden from us we would all understand.

I barely eat soy, btw. Its not that i avoid it (except in protein powders) its just not a large part of my diet. Wife puts edamame beans in some things, and i add smoked tofu to some dishes.
I use pea/hemp protein mix to break my fast and sometimes I use it as a meal replacement.
I think it's not something so difficult. As far as I can remember, every protein shake comes in different flavours and if you mix them with water instead of milk, it would be as you want it. that's what I think tho