Crime Biden Pardons for the Offense of Simple Possession of Marijuana, Attempted Simple Possession of Marijuana, or Use of Marijuana

This is good, although I remember his last pardon affected a grand total of 0 people. What's the difference between the first and this?
Pardon of what? help refresh my memory on that one.
Lol I smell pot just about everywhere I go and it's not even legal in my state
Not sure what state you are from but I'm sure it's got nothing on Colombia. Especially outside of POLICE STATIONS during shift change.
lol.... sure, like water isn't a liquid
cocaine is a drug, but a coca leaf is not.

nicotine is a drug, but a tobacco leaf is not.

caffeine is a drug, but a coffee bean is not

you see where i’m going with this?

cannabis contains a drug, but it is not itself a drug, it is a flowering plant.

The human brain contains DMT, does that mean your brain is a drug? of course not.. The fact that the cannabis plant itself is considered a drug is ridiculous “big government” drug war propaganda. Look into the history of federal cannabis prohibition and you will find a web of lies and corruption.
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I don't disagree with this one though. Although how did it go with Biden dangling the student loan carrot? I still have yet to meet anyone that it helped. Or was it successful and I've just been out of the loop?
It did help me, cut my payments in half. I didn't think I would see any actual difference so that was a pleasant surprise.
Good. Now he should pardon trump and make a deal that neither should run in 2024.
Imagine being concerned about the "dangers of weed" and the "open acceptance of drug use" while saying nothing at all about alcohol, the worst and most destructive drug on the planet for the last few centuries.

Even calling weed a "drug" is comical when comparing it's effects and side effects with real drugs like alcohol, cocaine or heroin, among others.

On the topic, good on Joe, but not sure how many people this really helps. How many people are in federal prison for weed possession in 2023? Can't be many.
Kind of a token gesture to get good headlines, but I support it. However, this is at the federal level. The overwhelming majority of people locked up for weed were state level crimes which this doesn't touch.
Not sure what state you are from but I'm sure it's got nothing on Colombia. Especially outside of POLICE STATIONS during shift change.
laid back stoned cops sounds like good praxis to me.
How many people are in federal prison for simple marijuana possession?
When I lived in the South, you could not buy alcohol on Sundays. Also, you can only buy liquor in ABC stores. Only wine and beer were available at grocery stores. Red state freedom FTW! But getting caught with weed in the South, and you're fucked.
This is not true all over the south so you might just need to say where you were actually from, because me being from LA and FL and no alcohol on Sunday was usually decided by the county or parish .
I don’t see the advantage of make people go to liquor stores , especially when grocery stores usually have the liquor next door and attached to the grocery store.
This is not true all over the south so you might just need to say where you were actually from, because me being from LA and FL and no alcohol on Sunday was usually decided by the county or parish .
I don’t see the advantage of make people go to liquor stores , especially when grocery stores usually have the liquor next door and attached to the grocery store.
Ah, yeah it was South Carolina.
Great news for like 12 people
cocaine is a drug, but a coca leaf is not.

nicotine is a drug, but a tobacco leaf is not.

caffeine is a drug, but a coffee bean is not

you see where i’m going with this?

cannabis contains a drug, but it is not itself a drug, it is a flowering plant.

The human brain contains DMT, does that mean your brain is a drug? of course not.. The fact that the cannabis plant itself is considered a drug is ridiculous “big government” drug war propaganda. Look into the history of federal cannabis prohibition and you will find a web of lies and corruption.
Semantics ftw !!!

Well, chuckles, none of the folks in question were locked up for holding/buying/selling THC now were they? Nope, the charge is in relation to Marijuanna.

There are many cannabinoids...specific isolated chemicals that are included in plant such that the entire plant is classed as the legally offending drug.

There are examples in pharmaceuticals as well, where the group of individual chemicals are actually defined as the "drug".
There are many cannabinoids...specific isolated chemicals that are included in plant such that the entire plant is classed as the legally offending drug.
Was the government aware of that when they made the entire plant illegal back in 1937?
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If you fail at attempting to possess marijuana to the point where police are involved then you should probably be sent to jail.

- Some guys are like that stereotopical dumb weed smoker, from a 80's comedy movie!