Law California law would fine department stores $1,000 for separating toys by gender


What A Rush!!!
Jun 11, 2012
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California lawmakers are considering a bill that would penalize department stores for separating children’s toys, clothing and other items by gender.

Under CA AB2826 (19R), introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, department stores with 500 or more employees would be subject to a $1,000 fine if they do not “correct a violation of these provisions within 30 days of receiving written notice of the violation.”

Who in there right mind would consider this a punishable offense and how is this even considered progress?
California lawmakers are considering a bill that would penalize department stores for separating children’s toys, clothing and other items by gender.

Under CA AB2826 (19R), introduced by Assemblyman Evan Low, D-Campbell, department stores with 500 or more employees would be subject to a $1,000 fine if they do not “correct a violation of these provisions within 30 days of receiving written notice of the violation.”

Who in there right mind would consider this a punishable offense and how is this even considered progress?
Illegal for department stores to even separate boys and girls clothing?

These Leftists are insane
kindly keep this american retardation away from europe. thanks.

This is just one state and doesn't represent the whole country. Where in Europe are you at, because some of those countries are leaving the U.S. in the dust when it comes to that type of retardation.
The only benefit I can think of with this is that by making things more difficult to find it might help Americans get more exercise.

Unless they just buy online instead, which they probably will.
How so? Boys and girls tend to like different things.
Then why separate it? I don't have a firm opinion on it, but I know a lot of girls who would have preferred boy toys.
People that are concerned with shit like this should train MMA. Be a more useful outlet for their energy. Not to mention their understanding of gender would clear up.
eastern europe. we are safe for now.

Right on...

People that are concerned with shit like this should train MMA. Be a more useful outlet for their energy. Not to mention their understanding of gender would clear up.

Or they might start beat up people that disagrees with them.