"complete nutrition," the store


Gold Belt
Jun 24, 2012
Reaction score
I searched for a thread that spoke about this place, but I couldnt find it.

The first run in I had at this store was when I went back to S. FL. I just needed an RTD, as my parents dont have protein in the house. When I walked in, the salesman was a lot like I read on here. Very pushy, much like a car salesman. He wanted me to sign up for this and that. I told him that I just wanted an RTD for some quick calories and that I dont need to sign up for anything as I hardly come home. He wouldnt let up. I let him tire himself out, he handed me some samples of "Buzzerk" and I left.

At work last week, two guys were handing out these gift cards for a complete nutrition store in the mall. They were what I want to call "gambling gift cards," as in you get $20-100 off depending on what the card is swiped at the register. I got two and thought, well why not?

I go to their website and again, just like read on here, no prices. No prices for your own product? What gives? Not only that, but hardly ANY other brand than their own.

I needed some whey isolate and I had time so I went into their store this morning. I made it a point to make it early so theyd be too tired to be pushy.

I walk in and a salesman approaches me, but nothing too bad at all. They hardly did have shit for other products than their own, but still NO PRICES. None on the shelves? This is some odd shit. Even still, I decided to look at their brand and I find a 5lb jug of some whey isolate.

I take the jug to the desk and told him about the cards. He says "its 25% off." Thats not what the guy told me. But say, how much is this jug anyway. $90. $90 for a 5lb jug? I can get a 10lb bag for $100 of a brand I know! He says hell throw in some fat burners that they value for $60. Even though, that $60 is overpriced, I look anyway. I am not being hard headed mind you, I am cautious, always remembering what I read here. I am giving the place a chance because, you never know, perhaps some people on here have sour grapes. Anyway, I look at the fatburners and all I see is that its fish oil.

Their isolate said it had additives in it, but no disclosure of amount. Were talking BCAAs, probiotics, CLA, etc and I know this is what jacks up price but for all I know, its bullshit. If I knew the brand, I may take a chance. For example, Muscletech is overpriced, but its a decent product.

That said, I told him no, put everything back and went to Vitamin Shoppe and got a 2lb protein of a brand I know. I needed 5lb but they didnt have my flavor. I also wanted some CLA, which I didnt see at complete nutrition and who knows what theyd charge.

Anyway, this isnt necessarily a warning of the place. I just wont spend $90 for an isolate when hydrosolate is even less than that. Unless their products will make me have green skin and jump 2 miles at a time, I cant pay that much and not call myself an asshole for doing so when I know I can buy similar product, nearly as good, proven results, at a cheaper price.
The Supplement Industry...It is what it is. Prices scare people off. It's good sales technique to not display prices.

Yes, you should be very concerned about these types of stores and stay the hell away...Nutri-Shop, Nutrition Zone, Complete Nutrition, etc.

The model originally started as something beautiful...Undercut GNC. Stores could offer the exact same name brand product for nearly half the price because the margins were so high. Obviously the margins started to come down drastically, and these smaller companies realized they had to make their own in-house product to continue to reap huge profits. After time many customers, however dumb, came to the realization that these in-house lines were junk and being forced upon them. The solution? Create shell companies to make it seem like they are legitimate supplement manufacturers separate from the store selling them. The smart ones developed multiple companies under the guise of different names, not allowing the consumer to see they were all the same under the owner of said store(s).

Because of these tactics, a highly trained sales person is needed in order to complete the 'bait and switch.' Bait them with ads for popular name brands, and when the skinny kid sees an arnold type behind the counter recommending 'brand x' over what they originally came in for, it's a no brainer...the customer literally doesnt have a chance. It wasn't always the case that the product was inferior...but it certainly was a significantly higher profit margin to the store owner.

Fast forward to the internet revolution, and these practices became more widespread, paramount even, if a company was to survive as anyone was able to now buy product at true wholesale prices. It was a tough industry and an understandable strategy to implement. Some pulled it off better than others, i.e. vitamin shoppe. They offer the best of both. Name brands at competitive prices and a house brand that isn't trying to fool everyone. However, the strategy of pushing the house brand over anything else, even at the expense of what's best for the customer, holds true in even the best of models.

All you can do is educate yourself on raw's. The prices of raw materials should dictate how much you are willing to spend on a product.
Good info. Chest, I am sending you a PM.
Also, (and I don't know if this was even an option) ordering online is a good way to shop for supplements. No sales pressure and you have the time to make a decision based on research... It can also save money depending on the location of the stores around you. I'm not gonna fire up the hot rod when I can have it delivered to me in a couple days, spending less money on shipping than gas.
Also, (and I don't know if this was even an option) ordering online is a good way to shop for supplements. No sales pressure and you have the time to make a decision based on research... It can also save money depending on the location of the stores around you. I'm not gonna fire up the hot rod when I can have it delivered to me in a couple days, spending less money on shipping than gas.

I prefer shopping online as well but am new to purchasing supplements. I was wondering if anybody had used any NOW Foods products before.
I guess the store isnt that common elsewhere.
There is one where I live and it is very overpriced. If you know what type of products you want, shopping online is a much better option.