Media UFC-president Dana White catches a FedEx worker on a bad day

Has Dana buddied up with enough influencers now that he thinks he is one?

I think by any definition or measure of that term he's clearly an influencer. He's got millions of followers on every platform. He shills for a product, and typically it sells. He makes a statement and lots of talking heads start to discuss it.

Love him or hate him he's clearly a celebrity and a salesman with a large online footprint.
You know they only fired that guy because he was doing it on video there’s probably a lot of other packager handlers doing exactly what he’s doing and they don’t care
A bunch of pretend little lordlings are all offended and upset over the peasants being unhappy with their manual labor jobs.

Get tf over yourselves you clowns.
Yeah same thing as when people complain about how slow the drive through is or how bad the service is, when they are middle class sitting in a vehicle that cost what a fast food worker makes in 3 years total. They wouldn't even last 3 hours working a shift
I highly doubt the driver was fired. In the video you can't see the trucks trailer number or the trucks dot number how the hell is FedEx supposed to know who that was. His back was to camera while time too kinda hard to get a good look at him
Before anyone gets upset and defends this guy for hating working for FedEx, technically he doesn't. They are independent contractors. I'm assuming he most likely doesn't own the route, and is subject to his shitty contractors payscale and treatment. If he's just a driver and not route owners he has very little, if at all, contact with the company.
Good. I'm kind of tired of people not even making an attempt to do their job properly anymore and I'm even more tired of the people that sympathize with these people and condone doing shit like this because "they're over worked, underpaid and treated poorly". Yes I understand that a lot of these places do all of the above, I've been there, and it's unfair as fuck but all completely not caring does is make things worse for everyone. Like all this idiot did by throwing shit into the truck was create more work for other people elsewhere that have to deal with the aftermath.

I highly doubt the driver was fired. In the video you can't see the trucks trailer number or the trucks dot number how the hell is FedEx supposed to know who that was. His back was to camera while time too kinda hard to get a good look at him
Doesn't really matter. They could still find out as long as they knew the name of the location he was parked out front of and at roughly what time. Those trucks have all kinds of tech in it that keep track of time and place in them.
Have this guy do this to every package you receive since you apparently see no problem.

No, you wouldn't want that?

Okay, little lordling
The "lordling" diss is incoherent as I'm not the one getting uppity over the poors and their labor performance. That's you. Imagine getting offended and outraged on the behalf of SOMEONE ELSE'S packages 🤣 what else doth milord protest?!
Good. I'm kind of tired of people not even making an attempt to do their job properly anymore and I'm even more tired of the people that sympathize with these people and condone doing shit like this because "they're over worked, underpaid and treated poorly". Yes I understand that a lot of these places do all of the above, I've been there, and it's unfair as fuck but all completely not caring does is make things worse for everyone. Like all this idiot did by throwing shit into the truck was create more work for other people elsewhere that have to deal with the aftermath.

Doesn't really matter. They could still find out as long as they knew the name of the location he was parked out front of and at roughly what time. Those trucks have all kinds of tech in it that keep track of time and place in them.
awww is milord upset about the queue at MacDonald's?! doth milord require the peasant to be whipped in the streets? Good heavens, nobody wants to work anymore!
This is one of those cases where a capitalist just hurt someone for shits and giggles and it just gets you mad. Dana has a fight promotion to run mind your own fucking business you bald piece of shit. He just went out of his way to hurt someone he doesn't know.
The "lordling" diss is incoherent as I'm not the one getting uppity over the poors and their labor performance. That's you. Imagine getting offended and outraged on the behalf of SOMEONE ELSE'S packages 🤣 what else doth milord protest?!
No, it's literally you. You're here saying that throwing packages and breaking things is fine. Okay - so let it happen to you.

Except it's only when it happens to others that you think it's okay, right?

So you can accept consequences for others but not yourself - that's the definition of a "lordling"

Have a terrible life.
This is one of those cases where a capitalist just hurt someone for shits and giggles and it just gets you mad. Dana has a fight promotion to run mind your own fucking business you bald piece of shit. He just went out of his way to hurt someone he doesn't know.
He did the right thing. Peoples actions affect other people