Destiny 2, v3: Forsaken looming

Haven't touched this game in months honestly.

Maybe I am jaded and needed a long break. But I already know i'd be bored once I come back. The weapons are uninspiring and I don't know... just not interested in playing it again. my buddies all bailed out again.

Currently playing Division 2. I am enjoying it thus far. Reached max level a few days ago and working on collecting exotics. It's a grind but it's a different grind so maybe I just need time away from Destiny. Perhaps I'll eventually miss it and come back.

A solid break from Destiny is mandatory with such shallow updates. I've taken large breaks and stopped playing the first day of Curse of Osiris, came back for Warmind and did about 3 weeks then quit again. I spent about 8 months away and came back for Forsaken a few months after it released, and only played for a few weeks and quit again for over a year. I picked up back up with Shadowkeep and have been casually grinding and playing a bit here and there ever since. Nothing wrong with taking long breaks when you're bored or frustrated with the game. The current season is VERY shallow so far, but the gunplay is still so much fun.

I never played The Division but I'm glad you're enjoying some gaming time.
man this game would be so much more enjoyable if they'd just rework simple shit like the IB quest. I was kind of having fun until the HC kills came up then I realized this is fucking useless. I don't understand the need to force player to use shit that is going to handicap them. Use a scout rifle, use a hand cannon, use a bow, use smg why not just have player get 100-150 light arms kills. After the BS last season with the rocket launcher kills and the bugged grenade launcher kills the season before they keep using this shit quest.
man this game would be so much more enjoyable if they'd just rework simple shit like the IB quest. I was kind of having fun until the HC kills came up then I realized this is fucking useless. I don't understand the need to force player to use shit that is going to handicap them. Use a scout rifle, use a hand cannon, use a bow, use smg why not just have player get 100-150 light arms kills. After the BS last season with the rocket launcher kills and the bugged grenade launcher kills the season before they keep using this shit quest.
Agreed. I haven't gotten any packages from Iron Banner since they've added that mechanic. I don't want to use Fusion Rifles/Autos/Scouts as I just don't find them fun to use. Let me play how I want to play and let me get my rewards.
Agreed. I haven't gotten any packages from Iron Banner since they've added that mechanic. I don't want to use Fusion Rifles/Autos/Scouts as I just don't find them fun to use. Let me play how I want to play and let me get my rewards.
I just got done with the quest the hand cannon kills really sucked all my HCs are geared towards PvE. Luckily this last update that nerfed the last word into the ground on the PC buffed the shit out of it on the consoles as long as you don't ADS. The smg kills was just as bad even with a decent rolled smg you're not going to out gun a AR or stop anyone from aping you with a shotgun. The fusion rifle kills was pretty easy with an erentil the blanket range nerf didn't screw with me. As for the bow kills that was probably the easiest it allowed you to stay out of most weapons range. I'm not going to run my other two toons the armor and weapons are all the same so no reason to do that quest on all three I'll just cash the tokens in with my titan and use a meta loadout with my other two.
the ordeal nightfall is giving out double loot due to a bug but I just don't feel like grinding it. It's fairly easy too it's just so annoying playing with blueberries that don't run champion mods on their guns or armor. maybe the bug will last until the weekend and I'll feel like grinding it for high stat rolled exotics.
I haven't ran the Nightfall yet this week, but I've been messing around with upgrading the Moon Seraph Bunker. I've been crushing Altars of Sorrow and its been fun actually finishing it up...swords tear through the sacrificing Nightmares during the final Altar, and thus we're actually been able to make it beyond the 1st damage phase. I've finished the final fight a few times over the last couple of months, but 99% of the time when the boss goes immune the 1st time most people can't stop any of the Nightmares, and it's over immediately.

Overall while there are still things to bitch about, I've had a good time playing the last couple of weeks. The bunkers aren't the most fun things in the world, but I am enjoying messing around with the new weapons and the Warmind Cells. I finally got my light up high enough so I could complete the Legendary Lost Sectors as some of those things are an absolute fucking shit show. Anti-Barrier Servitor who is keeping 2 Overload Captains immune the whole time, as they're non-stop shooting you with cannons...WTF? haha

Bungie posted a TWAB yesterday basically stating they are aware of issues in Trials (early card farming), as well as all the disconnect errors (mostly on PC).
I haven't ran the Nightfall yet this week, but I've been messing around with upgrading the Moon Seraph Bunker. I've been crushing Altars of Sorrow and its been fun actually finishing it up...swords tear through the sacrificing Nightmares during the final Altar, and thus we're actually been able to make it beyond the 1st damage phase. I've finished the final fight a few times over the last couple of months, but 99% of the time when the boss goes immune the 1st time most people can't stop any of the Nightmares, and it's over immediately.

Overall while there are still things to bitch about, I've had a good time playing the last couple of weeks. The bunkers aren't the most fun things in the world, but I am enjoying messing around with the new weapons and the Warmind Cells. I finally got my light up high enough so I could complete the Legendary Lost Sectors as some of those things are an absolute fucking shit show. Anti-Barrier Servitor who is keeping 2 Overload Captains immune the whole time, as they're non-stop shooting you with cannons...WTF? haha

Bungie posted a TWAB yesterday basically stating they are aware of issues in Trials (early card farming), as well as all the disconnect errors (mostly on PC).
If bungie are just worried about token farming in trials the game mode is fucked. they dropped the ball on the rewards and incentive to go flawless in trials and either way they go is going to fuck up the play list. last week the sniper didn't drop until the 7th win player are having a hard enough getting 5 wins on a card much less 7. They really do need to make curated rolls that lock desirable perks into going flawless like snapshot sights + vorpal weapon on the sniper of quickdraw + opening shot on the shotgun. Then just have shit drop randomly after wins that away player still get shit for playing but need to go flawless to get the god tier shit. they got feedback from the playerbase and numbers/stats to see what work I really don't understand why they just slapped shit together and called it good.
@tru3f4n , I'm 100% on board with curated or "Adept" weapons for going flawless. What we are seeing is that the new guns coming online this season tend to not have both damage and reload perks together. This, with Bungie also "sunsetting" weapons, really goes to show that they're trying to not only slow the power creep, but outright reverse the fucking thing. I think MAYBE they decided to try out the current version of flawless and see the reactions. AT BEST I see them adding the "Celerity" perk and making some form of "Adept" weapons that way. They might do some fooling around with the rewards / token system, but I think it's going to be small changes followed by a month of "data collection."

I guess we'll see what happens, but I have to be honest and on the PvE side the game is pretty amazing right now. Sure, I'm not a fan of Eververse or grinding bounties, but you can do just about anything you want right now and make progress in some manner. I ran some Serpah Bunker stuff today, did some strikes for the weekly "powerful" engrams, and just ran around testing out new weapons and crushing a few bounties here and there. I got some new armor, a couple decent rolls on exotics which dropped, and overall I had fun just goofing around. Swords are absolutely amazing right now I've rekindled my love for them and have really enjoyed Black Talon. I finished up the catalyst for it the other day and it's a solid workhorse in the current sandbox.
Trials IS NOT giving out rewards for the 3rd, 5th, or 7th wins this week if you claimed them last week. They deployed a hotfix this week which was supposed to fix the time and reward reset, but it looks like it's not going to fully work until next week. LMAO

From Bungie :
Trials IS NOT giving out rewards for the 3rd, 5th, or 7th wins this week if you claimed them last week. They deployed a hotfix this week which was supposed to fix the time and reward reset, but it looks like it's not going to fully work until next week. LMAO

From Bungie :



@tru3f4n , I'm 100% on board with curated or "Adept" weapons for going flawless. What we are seeing is that the new guns coming online this season tend to not have both damage and reload perks together. This, with Bungie also "sunsetting" weapons, really goes to show that they're trying to not only slow the power creep, but outright reverse the fucking thing. I think MAYBE they decided to try out the current version of flawless and see the reactions. AT BEST I see them adding the "Celerity" perk and making some form of "Adept" weapons that way. They might do some fooling around with the rewards / token system, but I think it's going to be small changes followed by a month of "data collection."

I guess we'll see what happens, but I have to be honest and on the PvE side the game is pretty amazing right now. Sure, I'm not a fan of Eververse or grinding bounties, but you can do just about anything you want right now and make progress in some manner. I ran some Serpah Bunker stuff today, did some strikes for the weekly "powerful" engrams, and just ran around testing out new weapons and crushing a few bounties here and there. I got some new armor, a couple decent rolls on exotics which dropped, and overall I had fun just goofing around. Swords are absolutely amazing right now I've rekindled my love for them and have really enjoyed Black Talon. I finished up the catalyst for it the other day and it's a solid workhorse in the current sandbox.
I hit the soft cap with my titan so I'm stuck at 1000 base LL until IB comes around I guess there's 2 pinnacle drop for me once I reach rank 7 on the Moon and Io bunkers. I'm just kinda meh right now none of the seraph weapons seem worth a fuck right now and I really don't care for the mods enough to make them viable. I don't see the need in them not releasing guns with decent rolls that whole power creep is a load of shit just them making the weapons and abilities useless because they can't find a way to make shit harder through new gameplay. Why would I ever use the seraph hand cannon over the service revolver, trust, or optative if I was ever going to use a 180rpm HC. This whole lets introduce medicore weapons into the game to slow power creep is just stupid and on top of that retire all the good guns.
@tru3f4n The reason you would use the Seraph weapons over other weapons is because of the synergy with the Warmind Cells. If you haven't messed around with them they are actually pretty damned amazing, and do some serious damage at SERIOUS range. My basic PvE build has an extended range mod for the Cell explosion radius, a solar burn mod, and an extension for the length of the burn. I've also got a mod where I can touch a Warmind Cell and it gives me an overshield.

When you combine those mods, and are using the Seraph weapons, those Warmind Cells are shockingly effective. I was messing around with them this morning and near a Legendary Lost Sector boss those cells were doing roughly 16K thousand damage from the explosion, and then add on a LONG time for the extended solar burn. But this is why the Seraph weapons at first glance might not look so great because the synergy with the Cells is really amazing.

I understand that not every season's mods are going to be interesting or exciting to everyone. The "Charged With Light" mechanic was just boring to me and felt like I was constantly having to play a certain way to get the benefits from those mods. I feel like the Warmind Cells are much better as they all happen from just killing enemies with Seraph weapons. I don't recall exactly which ones but a few of the exotics will also produce Warmind Cells. For me it's fun trying new stuff, trying new weapons, and messing around with the new mods. I know a lot of people will never take off their Spare Rations / Mindbenders in PvP, or their Izanagi / Divinity in PvE, and that's fine, but I just get bored using the same loadout all the time. I kind of like how the bounties ask us to use different weapons which are outside of our normal loadout as it changes things up.
I'm just tired of having to screw around with my armor to get my guns to work decent I saw a video where sunshot, ace of spades, polaris lance, and skyburner's oath could be used and pretty much any solar weapon with dragonfly. I just don't see the benefit of using situational mods over mods to boost my basic stats and ammo recovery other then ones like adding disruption to my arc grenades now if armor more then 10 power then maybe.
I'm just tired of having to screw around with my armor to get my guns to work decent I saw a video where sunshot, ace of spades, polaris lance, and skyburner's oath could be used and pretty much any solar weapon with dragonfly. I just don't see the benefit of using situational mods over mods to boost my basic stats and ammo recovery other then ones like adding disruption to my arc grenades now if armor more then 10 power then maybe.

Because it's fun and something different. haha And again they are actually quite powerful and have some awesome synergy when you're using the Seraph weapons. Give them a try and see what you think.
Because it's fun and something different. haha And again they are actually quite powerful and have some awesome synergy when you're using the Seraph weapons. Give them a try and see what you think.
I probably will I just hate that they cost as much energy as they do maybe I'll just stick them on the season pass armor and leave my default armor as is.
I really don't understand bungie's need to release a TWAB every week if they are just going to be filled up with needless shit especially when they have in game bulletins that does the same shit.
I finished up leveling all the bunkers the other day, and so far I've enjoyed being able to run around and do just about anything to earn the Warmind Bits. It looks like in 2 weeks they'll be launching the "Guardian Games" or whatever the official name for it is, so that's something to look forward to. I'm still leveling my characters a bit and having a good time, though I don't think I'll even bother with the Grandmaster Nightfalls... most of my characters are at about 1010 right now and the Grandmaster is showing 1060. When I was 980 doing those 1000 Legendary Lost sectors solo was an absolute fucking ball ache.

Has anyone messed around with swords since the 2.8.0 update? Holy shit they are amazing! Plus there is a seasonal mod for overload / disruption that makes using them against Champions a lot of fun. They reworked how swords work and now you can chain swings continuously as long as you have ammo. Blocking no longer takes ammo, but it only lasts for a short period of time. You also have the Right Bumper swing and the Right Trigger uppercut (when it's charged) and it's a very cool way of updating the feel of the swords. I'm really enjoying tearing through PvE content with swords right now and it's been a great change of pace. I'm also dicking around and finishing up exotic catalyst kills just for shits and giggles.

Overall I'm still having fun...r/DestinyTheGame is in full salt mode and there's not even a decent conversation to be had over there anymore. A famous YouTuber named Gladd tweeted about not wanting to play anymore and the whole reddit sub has jumped on board the "Destiny Sucks" bandwagon. People need to learn to take a break when they're not having fun...I took pretty much a long break from Curse of Osiris all the way until Shadowkeep. It was much needed and when I came back I had a metric fuck ton of content to dive into. This being said I do acknowledge that this won't be the case moving forward as all the seasonal content is disappearing after the season is over since Shadowkeep / Undying dropped.
Has anyone messed around with swords since the 2.8.0 update?
Has anyone messed around with swords since the 2.8.0 update? Holy shit they are amazing!

They're amazing indeed, but if the artifact mod "Passive Guard" is not brought back next season I will probably go back to using heavy GL again.
Has anyone messed around with swords since the 2.8.0 update?

They're amazing indeed, but if the artifact mod "Passive Guard" is not brought back next season I will probably go back to using heavy GL again.

Passive Guard is indeed an awesome Mod and I would certainly hate to see it go, but I don't think it's mandatory to be honest. Swords are in an amazing place right now, so I can see them getting rid of that Mod to balance things out a bit.
I finished up leveling all the bunkers the other day, and so far I've enjoyed being able to run around and do just about anything to earn the Warmind Bits. It looks like in 2 weeks they'll be launching the "Guardian Games" or whatever the official name for it is, so that's something to look forward to. I'm still leveling my characters a bit and having a good time, though I don't think I'll even bother with the Grandmaster Nightfalls... most of my characters are at about 1010 right now and the Grandmaster is showing 1060. When I was 980 doing those 1000 Legendary Lost sectors solo was an absolute fucking ball ache.

Has anyone messed around with swords since the 2.8.0 update? Holy shit they are amazing! Plus there is a seasonal mod for overload / disruption that makes using them against Champions a lot of fun. They reworked how swords work and now you can chain swings continuously as long as you have ammo. Blocking no longer takes ammo, but it only lasts for a short period of time. You also have the Right Bumper swing and the Right Trigger uppercut (when it's charged) and it's a very cool way of updating the feel of the swords. I'm really enjoying tearing through PvE content with swords right now and it's been a great change of pace. I'm also dicking around and finishing up exotic catalyst kills just for shits and giggles.

Overall I'm still having fun...r/DestinyTheGame is in full salt mode and there's not even a decent conversation to be had over there anymore. A famous YouTuber named Gladd tweeted about not wanting to play anymore and the whole reddit sub has jumped on board the "Destiny Sucks" bandwagon. People need to learn to take a break when they're not having fun...I took pretty much a long break from Curse of Osiris all the way until Shadowkeep. It was much needed and when I came back I had a metric fuck ton of content to dive into. This being said I do acknowledge that this won't be the case moving forward as all the seasonal content is disappearing after the season is over since Shadowkeep / Undying dropped.
I'm pretty sure the GM Nightfalls are at 1050 now and are capping players at 1025 so yeah no need to run them. They're doing what they did with the Crown of Sorrow raid where even if a player grinded out to be at 1050 they wont have any advantage over 1025. They pretty much made the GM Nightfalls for the top 5-10% of the PvE playerbase so PvE streamers can show off. They have 12 negative modifiers on top of the -25 lvl disadvantage I really don't get the need to make the game absurdly hard it's Destiny not Dark Souls. Then on top of the difficulty the rewards don't mesure up they think adding the Conqueror title is some how going to make it worth a fuck.

As for the guardian games I see it being how it was when the factions were still around with the winners weapons but with ghost shells now. Maybe they'll spice shit up but I doubt it just more grinding to make sure Titans win the new exotic machine gun is suppose to come out around then too.

As for the swords I've been using them alot the masterworked Just in Case sword activates Roaring Flames on the middle tree solar titan. I'm mostly just using the stryker's sure-hand with assassin's blade + whirlwind blade I'm pretty sure this is the only sword in the game that can roll with that perk combo. I just don't like dmg dropping on heavy attacks if you use up your energy.