English tourists get soccer kicked in Thailand

Not saying it's an excuse for the savage beating, but at :17 the brit in the black shirt gives a little shove to the Thai man as he walks by, then shortly after the mother slaps the thai in the face. At about 1:12 the older british man throws a punch at one of the thais as the other brit grabs him from behind. The brits certainly started it, you cannot go around acting like a tough guy in a foreign land with a bunch of drunk people, I don't care how much taller you are. Kicking of the downed opponents was certainly overboard especially of the old woman but the brits were certainly asking for it

There was no shove at 0:17, its very clear that 2 drunk Thai men were walking unsteadily into people and one of them walked into the path of the younger British tourist and bumped him. In fact, the drunk Thai man very clearly at 0:20 gave shove or pulled on the tourist causing him to trip and fall hurting his head. The Thai deserved the slap for being a drunk nuisance and causing hurt to other people. Its not clear at 1:12 that the Brits did anything like you said. What is very clear is that some young Thai guys assaulted an elderly couple in their 60s and their middleaged son to unconscious heaps.

There was no tough guy act here. The Thai's were the young tough guys who beat up old people.
Usually tourists get beaten up in south east asia because they act like assholes. But I don't see the tourists here being assholes and really wonder what was going on.
What are you guys watching? At :19 he clearly pushes the Thai and then the woman slaps him.
Not saying it's an excuse for the savage beating, but at :17 the brit in the black shirt gives a little shove to the Thai man as he walks by, then shortly after the mother slaps the thai in the face. At about 1:12 the older british man throws a punch at one of the thais as the other brit grabs him from behind. The brits certainly started it, you cannot go around acting like a tough guy in a foreign land with a bunch of drunk people, I don't care how much taller you are. Kicking of the downed opponents was certainly overboard especially of the old woman but the brits were certainly asking for it
They were antagonized, and the conclusion of the police was that the young drunk men were "primed" for the attack by a night of watching "water fights". The video also plainly doesn't corroborate your version of events. He didn't "shove" that Thai man. That's a guiding gesture to avoid collision. The Thai guy turns around and attacks him.

The Thais alone were at fault.
There was no shove at 0:17, its very clear that 2 drunk Thai men were walking unsteadily into people and one of them walked into the path of the younger British tourist and bumped him. In fact, the drunk Thai man very clearly at 0:20 gave shove or pulled on the tourist causing him to trip and fall hurting his head. The Thai deserved the slap for being a drunk nuisance and causing hurt to other people. Its not clear at 1:12 that the Brits did anything like you said. What is very clear is that some young Thai guys assaulted an elderly couple in their 60s and their middleaged son to unconscious heaps.

There was no tough guy act here. The Thai's were the young tough guys who beat up old people.
Hear hear!
What are you guys watching? At :19 he clearly pushes the Thai and then the woman slaps him.
The British man casually brushes the stumbling Thai man with his arm. This is not an uncommon or hostile gesture when walking crowded, bustling streets. It was not hostile.

The Thai turns around and shoves him down by the shoulder.
They were antagonized, and the conclusion of the police was that the young drunk men were "primed" for the attack by a night of watching "water fights". The video also plainly doesn't corroborate your version of events. He didn't "shove" that Thai man. That's a guiding gesture to avoid collision. The Thai guy turns around and attacks him.

The Thais alone were at fault.

Hear hear!

The British man casually brushes the stumbling Thai man with his arm. This is not an uncommon or hostile gesture when walking crowded, bustling streets. It was not hostile.

The Thai turns around and shoves him down by the shoulder.

Its not uncommon for someone to get pushed because they pushed someone either. If you think a push by someone smaller than you after you pushed them is an “attack”, then we view the world differently. The brit had no balance and fell down. Then the woman slapped him. And he didnt do anything after that. It wasnt until the other brit threw a punch that they got jumped by other thais.
10/10 recovery by the old lady, then the guy sealed the deal with the kick. That was atrocious. That man is fucking insane.
Its not uncommon for someone to get pushed because they pushed someone either. If you think a push by someone smaller than you after you pushed them is an “attack”, then we view the world differently. The brit had no balance and fell down. Then the woman slapped him. And he didnt do anything after that. It wasnt until the other brit threw a punch that they got jumped by other thais.
It is absolutely uncommon for someone to turn around, and push someone to the ground from behind. Anything the Brits did after that can be considered self-defense.

There is a big difference between the "making the way through" swim move the British tourist did, and the deliberate shove the Thai reciprocated. Proportion matters. Nothing the Brits did at any point justifies or excuses a single decision those Thais made. Nothing they did was discourteous or hostile.

The Thais belong in prison, and that's where they are. If you view the world differently...it doesn't matter. You're wrong. Fortunately, the British people realize you're wrong, the Thai people realize you're wrong, and most importantly Thai law realized you're wrong.
That's actually how people greet you in Thailand. They were showing hespect!
They only got away with that because they picked the weakest targets who didn't want trouble, I would love to see some little dwarf thais try that with 4 proper British men, that strip would have been cleared out.

Those guys are absolute pieces of shit for beating them like this.
But man how many times have I heard that "proper british men would have done this or that" bullshit.
Definitely my favourite part

That old lady needed to just get the fuck out of there. She was just wandering into the fire like she didn't understand where she was. Naps are getting handed out and she just walks right onto one.

When she sat up after getting KOd the first time it reminded me of the Undertaker. That follow up kick sealed the deal though. Fucking brutal.
People should just go their way and control their tampers and people wouldn't get KTFO on streets all over the world. This idea that you can freely express your anger and outrage up close with other angry people with no expectation of violence is foolish, it happens in every city no matter how advanced or how many police are around.
Lucky this 70 year old overweight woman getting soccer kick'd into Bolivian after getting KO'd wasn't too violent.
The poor woman in red that tried to separete them got punched in the liver and slammed.
