GSP fans claiming GSP is too small for Silva is a double standard

Well well well what we got here? Akira and supercharged the 2 all-time retards bashing GSP again. Why am i not surprised one bit? :rolleyes:
Anderson is a true MW he is a warrior who also challenges himself at LHW...something that GSP has never done is challenge himself. That is why he will never be GOAT or P4P best anything. Somebody will soon beat him at WW also and he wont even have that anymore.

Sorry but fighting the number 1 contender over and over is much more of a challenge than challenging unranked fighters from the weight class above, especially when the later matches up perfectly with your style.
GSP usually beats up on smaller dudes for the advantage. He and Anderson are about the same size but Anderson is just waaaay too skilled for GSP.

If they're about the same size then how come GSP can easily cut to WW while Silva, according to his doctors, can not do it in a healthy way?